Table of Contents
We have already seen Spring MVC hello world example. @RequestMapping is one of important annotation which you use in Spring MVC.
Spring MVC tutorial:
- Spring MVC hello world example
- Spring MVC Hibernate MySQL example
- Spring MVC interceptor example
- Spring MVC angularjs example
- Spring MVC @RequestMapping example
- Spring Component,Service, Repository and Controller example
- Spring MVC @ModelAttribute annotation example
- Spring MVC @RestController annotation example
- Spring MultiActionController Example
- Spring MVC ModelMapSpring MVC file upload example
- Spring restful web service example
- Spring restful web service json example
- Spring Restful web services CRUD example
- Spring security hello world example
- Spring security custom login form example
@RequestMapping is used to define mapping of web request to handler method or class. @RequestMapping can be used at method level or class level. We will see example of it later.
If you use @RequestMapping annotation at class level, it will be used for relative path for method level path.
Lets understand with the help of example:
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@RestController @RequestMapping(value = "/countryController") public class CountryController { @RequestMapping(value = "/countries", method = RequestMethod.GET, headers = "Accept=application/json") public List getCountries() { List listOfCountries = countryService.getAllCountries(); return listOfCountries; } |
so web request with URL http://localhost:8080/ProjectName/countryController/countries will execute getCountries() method. Below image will make it clear:

Method level RequestMapping example :
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@RestController public class CountryController { @RequestMapping(value = "/countries", method = RequestMethod.GET, headers = "Accept=application/json") public List getCountries() { List listOfCountries = countryService.getAllCountries(); return listOfCountries; } |
Class level RequestMapping example :
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@RestController @RequestMapping(value = "/countries") public class CountryController { @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, headers = "Accept=application/json") public Country addCountry(@RequestBody Country country) { return countryService.addCountry(country); } @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.PUT, headers = "Accept=application/json") public Country updateCountry(@RequestBody Country country) { return countryService.updateCountry(country); } } |
http://localhost:8080/ProjectName/countries If you want to practice more examples for @RequestMapping annotation, you can go through Spring Rest CRUD example. It will definitely help you to understand @RequestMapping annotation better.