Get Variable Name as String in JavaScript

1. Overview

Retrieving a variable’s name as a string in JavaScript can be a handy technique in various programming scenarios, from debugging to dynamic property handling. We’ll explore several methods to convert variable names into strings, covering different use cases.

Let’s consider a situation where we have a JavaScript variable, say myVar, and our objective is to extract its name as a string, resulting in "myVar".

2. Using Object.keys() Function

The Object.keys() function can be utilized to extract property names from an object. By turning our variable into a property, we can retrieve its name.



  • { myVar } constructs an object with myVar as a property.
  • Object.keys() returns an array of this object’s property names.
  • [0] fetches the first element of the array, which is our variable’s name.

3. Using Function.prototype.toString() and Regular Expressions

A more intricate method involves transforming a function’s source code to a string and employing regular expressions to isolate the variable name.



  • ((v) => v.toString().match(/(\w+)/)[1]) is a function that extracts the first word from the string representation of an input function.
  • () => myVar is an anonymous function that returns myVar.
  • This approach might not be suitable in all contexts, especially with minified or compiled JavaScript.

4. Utilizing Proxy for Dynamic Access

For advanced scenarios, Proxy can be employed to intercept property access and retrieve the property name dynamically.



  • proxyHandler contains a get method that logs the name of the accessed property.
  • new Proxy creates a proxy object using proxyHandler.
  • Accessing proxy.myVar triggers the get method and logs the property name.

5. Using eval() (Not Recommended)

While not recommended due to security and performance concerns, eval() can be used in controlled environments to achieve this task.



  • eval() executes the string varName as JavaScript code.
  • This method poses security risks and should be avoided in production code.

6. Extending to More Complex Datatypes

Let’s explore how these methods apply to various complex data types:

6.1. Arrays and Objects

Arrays and objects are common complex data types in JavaScript. When using methods like Object.keys(), we’re dealing with the property name (which in this case is the variable name), irrespective of whether the variable holds an array, an object, or any other type.


6.2. Functions

Functions in JavaScript are first-class objects, meaning they can be treated similarly to other objects. Thus, the same methods for retrieving variable names apply to function names as well.


6.3. Class Instances

Class instances are also objects in JavaScript. Therefore, we can use these methods to retrieve the variable name holding a class instance.


7. Conclusion

Throughout this article, we’ve examined several methods to retrieve a variable’s name as a string in JavaScript, ranging from straightforward approaches like Object.keys() to more complex ones like using a Proxy. Each method has its appropriate context and limitations, so it’s crucial to select the one that aligns with your specific requirements and constraints.

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