Check If File Contains String in Bash

1. Overview

Searching for strings in text files is a common task in bash, used in scenarios like log file analysis and configuration file searches. This article explores various methods to check if file contains String, including both case-sensitive and case-insensitive approaches.

2. Introduction to Problem Statement

Let’s consider a log file named server.log:

Our goal is to check if file server.log contains string Error in it.

The expected output is something like this:

3. Using grep

The grep is a command-line utility optimized for searching text data for lines matching a regular expression.


  • grep -q "Error" server.log: This command searches for string Error in server.log. Here, -q stands for "quiet". It causes grep to not output anything but to exit with status 0 if the pattern is found, and 1 otherwise.
  • The if statement then checks the exit status of grep. If grep finds the string, the first block ("Error found in server.log.") is executed; if not, the else block executes.

Case-Insensitive Search:

By default, grep search is case-sensitive. To perform a case-insensitive search, use the -i flag: grep -iq "Error" server.log.

grep is highly optimized for searching text, making it fast and efficient for this task.

4. Using awk

The awk is a versatile programming language designed for pattern scanning and processing.

Let’s use awk with if to achieve our goal:


  • This awk command scans server.log for the pattern Error.
  • When Error is found, awk sets a flag found to 1 and exits immediately.
  • In the END block, awk exits with status 1 if the flag found is not set, indicating that the pattern was not found.

Case-Insensitive Search:

To make the search case-insensitive in awk, we can use the tolower function:

The awk is powerful for text processing but might be slightly slower than grep for simple string searches. However, it offers more flexibility for complex data manipulations.

3. Using Bash Conditional Expressions

Bash conditional expressions are a powerful feature in shell scripting, allowing for decision-making based on the evaluation of conditions within a script.

Let’s use conditional expression to check if file contains string:

Here, cat filename.txt outputs the content of the file server.log, and the conditional [[ ... == *"Error"* ]] checks if the content contains "Error".
Case-Insensitive Search:
Bash does not directly support case-insensitive matching in this context. However, you can convert the file content and the search string to the same case:

For smaller files, this method is quick and efficient. However, for larger files, its performance can degrade due to the need to read the entire file content.

6. Using sed with grep Command

The sed (Stream Editor) is a powerful and versatile text processing tool that performs text transformations on an input stream (a file or input from a pipeline).

Here, we will use sed for preprocessing and grep for final check. Let’s see with the help of example:


  • The sed command searches server.log for lines containing the string Error and prints them.
  • The output of sed (the matched lines) is passed to grep.
  • grep -q . checks if there is any output from sed. If there is at least one line (meaning at least one line in server.log contained "Error"), grep exits with a status of zero.
  • If grep exits with a status of zero, indicating that sed found at least one line containing "Error", the condition in the if statement is considered true, and the commands following then are executed. If no lines are found, the condition is false, and the commands after then are not executed.

Let’s understand more about sed expression sed -n '/Error/p' server.log used in above command:

  • sed: This is a stream editor for filtering and transforming text.
  • -n: This option suppresses automatic printing of pattern space. It means sed will not print anything unless explicitly told to do so.
  • '/Error/p': This is a sed command enclosed in single quotes. It tells sed to search for lines containing the string Error and print those lines (p stands for print). The /Error/ is a pattern that sed looks for in each line of the input.
    server.log: This is the file sed reads from. sed will process each line of this file, looking for the pattern Error.

7. Using Bash Loops

This method involves iterating over each line of a file to search for a string. This approach is very slow and should be only used while searching in smaller files.

Bash loops are straightforward but can be slower, especially for larger files.

8. Searching for Multiple Strings in File

While working on script, there are often situations where we need to search based on multiples patterns rather than single pattern.

There are multiple ways to do it. Let’s see with the help of examples:

Using grep Command:

This command uses the pipe | as a logical OR to search for "Error" or "Warn".

Using awk Command

This awk command checks if either Error or Warn is present in server.log.

Using Bash Loops

This Bash loop manually iterates through each line of server.log, checking for Error or Warn.

9. Searching for String in Multiple Files

To search across multiple files, use grep with a file pattern.

We can also provide filenames separated by space.

10. Performance Comparison

It’s important to test how fast each method works so we can choose the best one.

We’ll create a big input server.log with 1 million lines, and test each solution on it to search pattern "Error" in the file.
To Benchmark their performance, here is the script:

The grep command is fastest of all as it is meant for searching text data.

11. Conclusion

In this article, we have different ways for checking if file contains a String. Let’s highlight important points:

  • For simple string searching tasks in a file, grep proves to be the most efficient tool in terms of speed and CPU usage.
  • While awk and sed offer more versatility for complex text processing, they are less efficient for straightforward string searches. For example: Once it’s confirmed that the file includes the string, substitute ‘Error’ with ‘Exception’ and proceed with similar replacements.etc.
  • Bash loops and conditional expressions are significantly slower and less efficient for this task, and their use should be limited to cases where command-line tools like grep, awk, or sed are not viable.

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