Count Files in Directory in Java

Count Files in Directory in Java

Using Class

Before moving forwards, it is important to know the available items in the current directory. You may also create the same structure to follow along with this article. Our current directory (E:\Test) has the following structure:

  • E:\Test – It has seven items, four text files and three folders (FolderA, FolderB, FolderC, File1.txt, File2.txt, File3.txt, and File4.txt).
  • E:\Test\FolderA – It contains four text files ( File1.txt, File2.txt, File3.txt, and File4.txt).
  • E:\Test\FolderB – It has two text files (File1.txt and File2.txt).
  • E:\Test\FolderC – Only one text file lives here (File1.txt).

Use File.listFiles() Method

We can use File.listFiles() method in the following four scenarios:

  1. To count files in the current directory, excluding sub-directories.
  2. To count files in the current directory, including sub-directories.
  3. To count files and folders in the current directory, excluding sub-directories.
  4. To count files and folders in the current directory, including sub-directories.

Note that the code will be similar to one another for all the above situations except for small changes. So, we will thoroughly learn the first code example and later only discuss the part different from the previous one. So, let’s start with the first example code below.

Count Files in the Current Directory (Excluding Sub-directories)

To count files in the current directory, excluding sub-directories:

  • Instantiate the File class by specifying the directory.
  • Call a function we defined to count the files only in the current parent directory.
  • Inside the function, we invoked in the previous step, use a for loop to iterate over all items in the specified directory.
  • Use the if statement to check whether it is a file. If it is, increment the counter by 1; otherwise, move to the next iteration.

In the main method of the CountFilesInDirectory class, we created an object of the File class (instantiated the File class) by specifying an E:\Test directory and saved its reference in directory variable.

Next, we called the countFilesInCurrentDirectory() method and passed the File object named directory we created in the previous step. On successful execution of this method, it returned a file counter that we saved in the fileCount variable. So, let’s see how this method counts the files.

The countFilesInCurrentDirectory() is a static method defined in the CountFilesInDirectory class to count files in the provided directory. We declared and initialized a count variable used to maintain a file counter inside this function.

Next, we used a for loop with the listFiles() method to iterate over every item in the specified directory. We used the if statement with the isFile() function for each iteration to check whether the current item is a file. We incremented the count variable by 1 if the if condition is fulfilled; otherwise, we moved to the next iteration.

Once the loop was over, we returned the count variable, whose value will be saved in the fileCount variable, which will be used to print a message on the console using the System.out.println() method.

Now, the point is what the listFiles() and isFile() methods are doing here. The listFiles() is one of the methods of the File class, which returns an array of abstract pathnames representing the directories and files in the specified directory denoted by this abstract pathname which satisfies the given filter (if any).

Remember, we will only get an array of files if the given path is a directory; otherwise, it will generate a java.lang.NullPointerException exception and return null.

The listFiles() method is an overloaded method, which means we can use it in the following three ways where the first method does not take any parameter, the second accepts the FilenameFilter object, and the third takes FileFilter object as their parameters (we used the first method in our code above).

Moving to the next method, which is isFile(). It is also a method of the File class, used to check whether the file represented by an abstract pathname is the normal file. This function returns a Boolean value, True if the current item is a file; otherwise, False.

Count Files in the Current Directory (Including Sub-directories)

This code example is the same, but we added another if statement inside the for loop in the countFilesInDirectory() method (line 19 to line 21). This if statement used the isDirectory() method to check whether the current item is a directory.

Like the isFile() method, it also returned a Boolean value, True if the condition is satisfied; otherwise, False. If the condition is fulfilled, the countFilesInDirectory() method calls a copy of itself, getting the current item (a directory) as a parameter.

NOTE: We used recursion here because countFilesInDirectory() method is calling a copy of itself.

Count Files & Folders in Current Directory (Excluding Sub-directories)

Inside the for loop in the countFilesInDirectory() method, we removed both if statements to count files and folders from the current parent directory. Note that we are still incrementing the count variable by 1 in each iteration. For example, we got 7 because E:\Test contains four text files and three folders (FolderA, FolderB, FolderC, File1.txt, File2.txt, File3.txt, and File4.txt).

Count Files & Folders in Current Directory (Including Sub-directories)

This code is similar to the immediate previous example. But, we have an if statement in the for loop (line 16 to line 18), which assesses if the current item is a directory or not using the isDirectory() method.

If it is, we also used recursion to count files in that directory. You can compare the above output by looking at the directory structure given at the beginning of this article.

If you are not concerned about sub-directories and only want to count files and folders in the current parent directory, then we can use the most straightforward solution using the File.list() method.

Use File.list() Method

To count files and folders in the current parent directory, excluding sub-directories:

  • Create an object of the File class by passing a directory as an argument.
  • Use the .list() method to get a String-type array containing filenames (files and folders).
  • Use the .length property of the String type array (received from the previous step) to get a count of the array elements.

The above code fence is similar to the previous code examples except for one difference; we used the .list() method here. After instantiating the File class, we used the .list() method to get an array of strings with filenames (files and directories) in the directory represented by this abstract pathname.

We saved this array in the fileArray variable; after that, we accessed the .length property of the fileArray array to know the count of elements in it, which we used to print a message on the console using println() method.

We can also replace line 7 with File[] fileArray = directory.listFiles(); and get the same results. Now, the question is, how does the File.list() method differ from File.listFiles()? Both methods essentially do the same but:

  • File.list() method returns a String array containing filenames (directories and files).
  • File.listFiles() returns an array of the File class of the same.

Now, where to choose which method? We must choose between these two methods wherever we are concerned about speed and memory consumption. Usually, a String array (returned by File.list()) would be faster and consume less memory as compared to the File array (returned by File.listFiles()). To dive into more details, you can check this page.

Using java.nio.file.DirectoryStream Class

The StreamAPI approach is useful when we:

  • Do not want to use the class.
  • Look for a solution using fewer resources while working with large directories.
  • More responsive while working with remote directories.

In this article, we are using the DirectorySteam class to do the following:

  1. To count files in the current directory, excluding sub-directories.
  2. To count files in the current directory, including sub-directories.
  3. To count files and folders in the current directory, excluding sub-directories.
  4. To count files and folders in the current directory, including sub-directories.

Again, the code sample will be similar to one another for all the above scenarios so that we will learn each step for the first example code, later, will explain the newly added piece of code only.

Count Files in the Current Directory (Excluding Sub-directories)

To count files in the current directory, excluding sub-directories:

  • Create an ArrayList of Strings.
  • Create a directory stream to access the contents of the given directory.
  • Use the for loop to iterate over the directory steam created in the previous step.
  • For every iteration of the for loop, use the if to check if the current item is not a directory. If not, use the .add method to add the current string item to ArrayList.
  • Use the .size() method to get the size of the ArrayList.
  • Use the try-catch method to handle exceptions.

Inside the main method of the CountFilesInDirectory class, we created a new ArrayList of Strings called fileNames. The ArrayList is a class in Java that implements the List interface and provides an array-like data structure for storing elements. The diamond operator is a shorthand notation specifying the type of elements the ArrayList will hold. In this case, it is a list of Strings.

Inside the try block, we created a new DirectoryStream called directoryStream that was used to access the directory’s contents. Note that the DirectoryStream is of type Path. The Files.newDirectoryStream method created a new directory stream bound to the specified directory. Here, the Paths.get("E:\\Test") was used to obtain a Path object representing the file system directory E:\Test.

Next, we used a for loop to iterate over each element in the directoryStream object and assigned it to the variable path of type Path. For each iteration, we checked if the path is not a directory by calling the Files.isDirectory(path) method in the if statement; if it is not a directory, it will add the path to the fileNames list. Finally, the path.toString() method was used to get the string representation of the path.

The for loop was used to iterate over the contents of the directory and only added the file names to the fileNames list, not the directory names.

Here, if the try block generates the IOException (a type of exception thrown when an input/output operation fails), the catch block will be executed. The exception.printStackTrace() method was called inside the catch block, which printed the stack trace of the exception to the console. The stack trace shows the sequence of method calls that led to the exception, which can be helpful for debugging.

Finally, we used the .size() method to get the size of the fileNames list and print it on the console.

Count Files in the Current Directory (Including Sub-directories)

This code is similar to the immediate previous example, but we replaced the following


inside the for loop. We did so to check if the current path is a directory or not using the Files.isDirectory(path) method. If it is a directory, we created a new subDirectoryStream using Files.newDirectoryStream(Paths.get(path.toString())), which was used to access the contents/items of the sub-directory represented by the current path.

Next, we iterated over each element in the subDirectoryStream object and assigned it to the variable p of type Path and added the path to the fileNames list using the .add() method. On the other hand, in the else part, we directly added the path to fileNames.

Note that this code was used to recursively iterate over the contents of the directory/subdirectories and add the file names to the fileNames list, not the directory names.

Count Files & Folders in the Current Directory (Excluding Sub-directories)

For this code, we removed all the conditionals from the for loop located in the main method to count files and folders from the current parent directory.

Count Files & Folders in the Current Directory (Including Sub-directories)

This code is similar to the code where we were counting files in the current directory, including sub-directories; here, we eliminated the else block to count files and folders from the current directory/sub-directories.’

That’s all about how to count files in Directory in Java.

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