Binary search in C++

This article is about binary search and its implementation in C++.

What is Binary Search?

The word ‘Binary’ actually refers to ‘two’. So, it’s anticipatable that there will be something related to ‘two’. In case of linear search, we start from the beginning of an array and keep checking gradually.

Now, there may be cases that the searching element belongs to the end part of an array and we kept wasting our time checking all the other elements incase of the linear search. For any searching algorithm what matters most is its time complexity. Though the linear search with its complexity O(n) seems to do pretty well, it’s actually not. Just think of any large data set, how much time it will take, though it’s O(n). We can’t afford such. Here comes the binary search with much less time complexity.

Binary search is based on the idea of sorting. For operating binary search, the input array needs to be sorted. So, the idea is, we can start with the middle element. If the searching element is less than the middle element, there’s no need to check the elements on the right half of the middle element, i.e., we can skip the elements larger than middle element. Since the array is sorted, it’s guaranteed no element on the right side can be the searching element.

On the other hand, If the searching element is greater than the middle element, there’s no need to check the elements on the left half of the middle element, i.e., we can skip the elements smaller than middle element. Since the array is sorted it’s guaranteed no element on the left side can be the searching element.

Binary search algorithm

Considering 0-indexing,

  1. Initialize a variable left=0
  2. Initialize a variable right=array size – 1
  3. While left <= right
            Calculate mid= (left + right)/2
            If array[mid]==searching element
                Return True
            Else If array[mid] < searching element
                Set left=mid +1
            Else //array[mid] > searching element
                Set right=mid –1
            END While
  4. Return False

Time Complexity

For binary search the recursion relation is;
T(n)=T(n/2)+ O(1)
(As we always search only in one half)
Solving the recursion relation, we find time complexity to be O(logn)

Example with explanation

Let the input array be:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Let the searching element be: 2
Right=5 (array size=6)
Iteration 1
        Mid=(0+5)/2 = 2
        So, left=0
Iteration 2
        Mid=(0+1)/2 = 0
        So, left=mid+1=1
Iteration 3
        Â Left=right
        Mid=(1+1)/2 = 1
        Return True
Searching element found

Binary search C++ implementation<

Iterative solution


Enter number of elements in the array
Enter the elements of your array
4 6 8 9 10 11
Enter the value you want to search
11 is present in the array

Recursive solution


Enter number of elements in the array
Enter the elements of your array
4 7 9
Enter the value you want to search
6 is not present in the array

That’s all about Binary search in C++

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