Check if String Is Number in C++

Check if string is a number in C++

1. Introduction to the Problem Statement

In C++ programming, a common task is determining whether a given string represents a valid number. This challenge can arise in various contexts, such as input validation, data parsing, or before performing arithmetic operations.

Our Goal: To check if a string like "123" or "45.67" is a valid number.

Expected Output: A boolean value – true if the string is a number, false otherwise.

We will explore multiple methods to accomplish this task, assess their performance, and discuss their suitability in different scenarios.

2. Using std::istringstream

One standard approach is to use std::istringstream from the <sstream> header.


Explanation: The function isNumberIstringstream checks if the string "123.45" can be completely read as a double. Since it can, the function returns true (represented as 1 in C++ boolean context).

Performance: Generally efficient for most cases.

Use Cases: Suitable for a wide range of applications, particularly where standard library solutions are preferred.

3. Using std::stod and Exception Handling

Another method involves std::stod (string to double conversion) wrapped in a try-catch block.


Explanation: isNumberStod tries to convert the string "123.45" to a double using std::stod. This conversion is successful, and the entire string is processed (pos == str.length()), so the function returns true.

Performance: Comparable to std::istringstream, but may be slightly slower due to exception handling.

Use Cases: Good when you need more control over error handling, particularly in larger applications with robust error management.

4. Using Regular Expressions

For more complex scenarios, regular expressions can be used.


Explanation: isNumberRegex uses a regular expression to match the string against a numeric pattern. The string "123.45" matches the pattern, so the function returns true.

Performance: Slower than previous methods, especially for short strings or in tight loops.

Use Cases: Ideal for scenarios where the definition of a number is complex or non-standard (like including/excluding scientific notation).

5. Custom Parsing Method

For educational purposes, a manual parsing method can be implemented.



  • isNumberCustom manually checks each character of "123.45" to determine if it is a valid number. It uses std::isdigit() to check if a character is a digit.
  • std::isdigit(char c): This function checks if the character c is a digit (0 to 9). It is a part of the <cctype> header and is useful for character-by-character analysis, especially in custom parsing logic as seen in this method.
  • The string "123.45" passes all the checks (digits and at most one decimal point), leading the function to return true.

Performance: Can be efficient, particularly for simple cases.

Use Cases: Useful when you want full control over what constitutes a number, or in environments where library usage is restricted.

6. Conclusion

In this article, we’ve explored various methods to check if a string is a number in C++. std::istringstream and std::stod provide standard library solutions that are efficient for most cases. Regular expressions offer flexibility for complex number formats but at a performance cost. The custom parsing method, while less efficient, provides deeper insights and full control over the parsing logic.

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