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This is 3 of 8 parts of tutorial series
Tutorial Content:
- Introduction to hibernate framework
- Hibernate hello world example in eclipse
- Difference between openSession and getCurrentSession
- Hibernate one to one mapping example
- Hibernate one to many mapping example
- Hibernate many to many mapping example
- Hibernate inheritance:Table per class hierarchy
- Hibernate inheritance:table per subclass
- Hibernate inheritance:Table per concrete class
- Difference between openSession and getCurrentSession
- Difference between get and load
- Spring MVC Hibernate MySQL CRUD example
- Spring Rest hibernate example
In this example, we will see how to implement one to one relationship using annotations.
Lets take example of Country and Capital.One Country has one capital.Following is relationship diagram among them.

Now to create above tables in database, you need to create two java files i.e. and
Country class will be used to create COUNTRY table in database.
Create in src->org.arpit.javapostsforlearning.
@OneToOne annotation is used to create one to one relationship between Country and Capital entities.
is used to specify a mapped column for joining an entity association.
Capital class will be used to create CAPITAL table in database.
Create in src->org.arpit.javapostsforlearning.
Create a file named “hibernate.cfg.xml” in src folder.
4.Main Class:
Project Struture:

5.SQL output:
COUNTRY table in database
CAPITAL table in database