User Not Found Instagram: Everything You Need to Know

User not found Instagram

Have you been trying to find someone on Instagram only to face the User Not Found Instagram error? Well, then the chances are high that your mind is pretty much clouded with a number of questions right now. Luckily, the article bags the answers to all of them.

User Not Found Instagram: A Brief Overview

user not found instagram

Instagram is among the most popular and loved social media platforms worldwide. With around 500 million daily active users, the platform sees a considerable amount of activity each day. Having mentioned the humongous amount of activities that run all throughout the day, it is pretty probable for users to come across certain unusual things at times; one such is “Instagram User Not Found.”

User Not Found Instagram is an error generally faced by users when we try to look for someone’s profile. Now don’t confuse the situation with the new searches that you make. If you’re looking for any new profile using the search bar and the username doesn’t coincide with Instagram’s record, it will say, “No Users Found.” The Instagram User Not Found is entirely a different issue. It deals with those profiles that you’ve interacted with, at least once, some way or the other.

User Not Found Instagram: Main Reasons Behind It

user not found Instagram

Facing the error User Not Found on Instagram occurs mainly because of five reasons.

  • Alteration in the Username
  • The Users Might Have Blocked You
  • Account Deletion
  • Disabled Account
  • The Concerned User Account is Messed Up, Suspended

#Reason 1: Alteration in the Username

user not found Instagram

One of the basic situations that might lead you to face the  User Not Found error on Instagram is when the user under concern has changed his/her username. In simple words, when someone brings modifications to their username, you’ll not be able to find them. Searching for that very profile using the old username will eventually land you on User Not Found Instagram error.

If you decide to visit that person’s profile using the old handle, it is evident that you’ll encounter an error; this is because the old one is no longer in use. 

In rare cases, if you or someone else happens to find that person’s profile using the old username, clicking in that will display “User Not Found.”

Here is what you need to do:

If an alteration in the username is the main reason why you’re facing a User Not Found Instagram error, ensure you get hold of the new username the person is using. You can either ask them for their username using the other sorts of communication methods (if any) or take help from anyone who is in mutual relation with both of you. Once done, you can then conveniently search for it and find the desired profile with no issues whatsoever.

#Reason 2: The Users Might Have Blocked You

Sad to say, but if you’re coming across the User Not Found Instagram error, and scenes with username alternation are not something that happened recently, chances are pretty high that you’ve been blocked. No one likes getting blocked; however, you can’t control the actions that are being taken from the other hand.

Getting blocked is one of the common reasons behind crossing paths with the error. When someone blocks you, it is pretty evident that you’ll be restricted from getting in touch with that person in any form, at least on Instagram. A quick search using the handle will bring no result. However, if you’ve been in touch with that person via direct messaging, the profile will still be visible in the chats.

In case you think that it would help you visit their profile, well, you’re wrong. As soon as you visit the chat and click on their icon with the hope of navigating to their profile, as usual, all you’ll find is the User Not Found Instagram error. Also, if the profile under concern is listed on your recent search results, the username will still be visible there. But similar to direct messaging, an attempt to visit the profile will make you face the User Not Found error.

Overall, you can’t help but continue crossing paths with Instagram User Not Found messages until and unless a block is revoked.

Here is something that might help:

Suppose someone on Instagram has blocked you. In that case, there are usually two ways by which you can help yourself out of the situation and revisit their profile without encountering the User Not Found Instagram error.

  • Alternate ways to contact: Employ alternate ways to contact that person and talk about the issue that might have led to all the blocking scenarios. It is always a better idea to resolve every existing issue and get everything back on track.
  • New Instagram Profile: Creating a brand new profile is another way to avoid User Not Found errors on Instagram. You can then seamlessly browse across their profile, but provided the profile is not limited to the followers only. One of the best things about creating a new profile for yourself is that the same can also help proceed with the solution, as mentioned earlier of contacting that person even after getting blocked.


As soon as you come across the User Not Found Instagram error, don’t take the fact that the user has blocked you for granted. It is always a better idea to verify it. Although asking that user directly is the most appropriate approach, if the scenes are not too flexible, you can also proceed with the verification process by seeking other profiles who’re in touch with that person. 

#Reason 3: Account Deletion

user not found Instagram

If you’re pretty much sure that neither the username has been changed nor you’ve been blocked, Account Deletion might be the reason why you’re still facing the User Not Found Instagram error. 

Do you think if someone decides and deletes his/her profile entirely, will you still be able to visit their profile? Not really, as everything associated with the profile will cease to exist. With that being said, an attempt to view those profiles (post deletion) will make you encounter a User Not Found Instagram error.

The explanation is simple, whenever someone deletes his/her account, the username also gets deleted. If the same person has been on your followers’ list, possibly the same will be removed pretty soon. However, if their profile is still visible on either the followers or the following lists, clicking on it will only display the User Not Found message.

Whether or not the visibility of that very profile is a real thing on the followers/followings list, you can still have a look at the username in the sections of the direct message (provided you people have interacted). However, the end result is pretty much the same. 

Can you do anything about it?

You can do nothing other than requesting that person to create another account on Instagram, as Account deletion is mostly a sole decision.

#Reason 4: Disabled Account

Unlike deletion, which is permanent, disabling is usually a temporary thing. However, if an account is disabled, you’ll still encounter the User Not Found Instagram error when you decide to visit that profile within that time frame.

There can be situations when a user decides to take a break from Instagram. In that scenario, he or she can disable their account, which would hide it from appearing in search results.

The Only Way Out:

Hoping to visit a disabled account without facing the User Not Found issue is only possible when the respective profile owners reactivate their profile back. Until it happens, Instagram will restrict the profile to show up in either search results or in the follow/following list.

#Reason 5: The Concerned User Account is Messed Up, Suspended

user not found Instagram

Another reason that might result in the unavailability of a user account is the action of suspension or permanent ban from Instagram’s end. Any activity that violates one or more guidelines of Instagram can lead to suspension or even a permanent ban. 

You never know if the user under concern has posted something inappropriate in any form. In that case, Instagram might have already taken down the account from their servers. An attempt to search for that profile will hand over nothing more than a User Not Found Instagram error.

Here is what you can do:

Instagram usually comes up with little to no warning prior to banning an account permanently. If the platform notices that any account is receiving frequent reports or is behaving in any manner opposite to the wave of Instagram guidelines, it wastes no time in suspending it. 

The only way to help such accounts is to reach the Instagram support team and request to revoke the suspension. The process might take a considerably long duration, and users often find creating a new account to be a more easy task. 

Frequently Asked Questions About User Not Found Instagram

What does User Not Found Instagram actually mean?

User Not Found Instagram is an error message that usually shows up when you try looking for a profile that has either been disabled, deleted, or changed the username recently. Sometimes the blocking action from the other end may also be one of the prime causes for users to encounter such issues. Overall, with User Not Found, you’re pretty much in a situation where you can’t actually visit the desired profile.

Why can’t I find an Instagram user?

There can be many reasons that might come in the way of finding the desired user on Instagram. The most common scene is inputting the wrong username. Whenever you do so, Instagram will do a quick search and come up with the most relevant result.

Apart from that, you may also fail to find a user if he/she either has changed their username recently or has blocked you. In either of the cases, you’ll face an error that states User Not Found. A deleted account, a disabled account, or a banned account are among the other popular scenarios that can prevent you from finding a user on Instagram.

How to tell if you’ve been blocked on Instagram?

The best way indeed to check if someone has blocked you on Instagram or not is by looking for their profile. You can either use and search for their username or attempt to visit the profile via direct messaging (if any). 

In case any of the two methods make you encounter the User Not Found Instagram error, chances are pretty high that the concerned user has blocked you. However, verification is essential before you jump to any conclusion. 

To verify it, you can either create a new account or ask someone else to check if the profile is intact.

When someone blocks you on Instagram, does it say User Not Found?

Although blocking is a possible cause behind encountering the User Not Found issue, it is always not the case. Other factors such as modification in the username, temporary disability, and even account deletion can lead to such errors. Also, if Instagram finds any account acting against the provided guidelines, it might get permanently banned. Such a situation is also responsible for error pop-ups like User Not Found.

Wrapping Up User Not Found Instagram

If you’ve been troubled with the User Not Found error on Instagram, you won’t be anymore. In this article, we’ve talked about everything that revolves around the issue of not finding anyone on Instagram. In addition, we’ve also mentioned the best thing that you can do in each case and see yourself out of this unusual situation.

Was the username modified, or did Instagram suspend the account? Was your account blocked from the other end, or what else? Make sure to let us know which factor made you encounter User Not Found Instagram.

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