How to Sum BigDecimal Using Stream in Java

This article discusses how to sum BigDecimal using stream. One of the significant features in Java 8 is the introduction of stream functionality and a way of carrying out the sum operation on streams of numbers like BigDecimal.

BigDecimal objects are immutable like String. Once immutable objects are created they can not be modified. So when it comes to performing arithmetic operations such as addition, multiplication, etc they are not friendly.

Sum BigDecimal in Java 5/6/7

Let’s recap, what summation or addition worked like before Java 8.

  • First, initialize the bigDecimalsList variable of data type BigDecimal List.
  • Add some BigDecimal values to it.
  • Create an object addBigDecimals to store the total sum of BigDecimal values.
  • Iterate over Array bigDecimalsList using for loop.
    • Invoke the add() method.
    • Pass a new BigDecimal object obtained from integer value form the BigDecimal from list.

Let us see the code.



Sum BigDecimal in Java 8

Java 8 introduces the reduce() method that covers the terminal operations such as sum, min, max, average, and count, etc individually in their own way.

You can also pass Lambda Expression in reduce() method. The identity and the accumulator is passed in reduce() method to sum an ArrayList.

The definition of the reduce() method is given below.

You can use the stream with List, Array and Map. Let us see each of them one by one.

BigDecimal sum using List

You can store the BigDecimal in a list by adding each BigDecimal as a new list element. To sum the big decimal in a list,

  • Initialize the List of BigDecimal.
  • Instead of iterating over for loop, you can use stream().reduce() method and save the sum in a variable.
  • The reduce() method accepts BigDecimal.ZERO as the identity and the BigDecimal::add as the accumulator.
  • The method returns the sum.

You can also sum using the lambda expression by following steps given below.

  • Pass the lambda expression to the reduce() method that adds two variables.
  • The reduce() method returns the resultant sum.

Let us see the code.



BigDecimal Sum Using Array

If the BigDecimal numbers are stored in an array, you can follow the given steps to get the sum.

  • Pass the array to the stream() method of the Arrays class.
  • Invoke the reduce() method by passing the BigDecimal.ZERO, and BigDecimal::add to it.
  • The method returns the sum, store it, and print it.

Let us see the code.



BigDecimal Sum Using Map

If you have stored the BigDecimal numbers in a map, you can follow the given steps to obtain the sum.

  • Invoke the values() method of the map.
  • Invoke the stream().reduce() method in chain with the values() method.
  • Pass the BigDecimal.ZERO and BigDecimal::add to the reduce() method.
  • The method returns sum of all BigDecimal values.

Let us see the code.



Stream Removes Null Values

Sometimes BigDecimal List might contain a NULL value which will raise the NullPointerException. You can resolve this issue with the help of stream.

Let us see an example where a NULL value results in an exception.


Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NullPointerException

Using a stream you can Filter NULL values to avoid this type of exception. The filter() method takes an argument and filters the elements according to it.

You can pass the Objects::nonNull filter to the filter() method.

Let us see the code.




In this article, you learned about how Java prior to version 8 can find the sum of the BigDecimal numbers. Then we discovered how java 8 uses stream to find sum of the BigDecimal numbers.

The stream can be used with List, Array & Map to find the summation. We can filter null values using stream. However, the stream can be applied with other data types as well.

This was all about how to sum BigDecimal using Stream in Java
Hope you have enjoyed reading the article. Stay tuned for more such articles.

Happy Learning!

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