Spring Boot tutorial

Spring framework is very popular frameworks for developing various web and enterprise application. Spring has developed various projects over time and Spring Boot is one of them.

In this tutorial, we will learn Spring boot tutorial with various examples.

Before learning Spring Boot application, you must have some knowledge about XML and Java Configuration in Spring framework.

What is Spring Boot?

Spring Boot is a way by which you can bootstrap or quickly create any Spring application.

Here is the official definition of Spring Boot.

Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that you can "just run".

Spring Boot helps you create any Spring application in no time. It provides default configurations which help you to avoid a lot of boilerplate code which is painful to maintain.

Why Spring Boot?

Let’s say you want to create Spring MVC Hibernate MySQL project.When you are working on this project, you might be confused with a lot of dependencies it requires.You might get confused with versions too.You need to configure DataSource, EntitymanagerFactory, TransactionManager etc beans. Wouldn’t it be good if Spring can do it for us automatically?

yes, You guess it right. Spring Boot will take care of all above configuration which is painful to do when you want to create Spring application real quick. I have also created Spring boot Hibernate MySQL project.When you compare code between above two examples, you will get to know how amazingly Spring Boot has reduced almost half of the code.

Spring Boot will take care of all above configuration which is painful to do when you want to create Spring application real quick.

As I said before, Spring boot provides a lot of default configuration, hence Spring Boot will help you in creating Spring applications faster. Spring boot provides a lot of starter projects to help you create a different type of Spring application.Once you go through examples, you will understand more about starter projects.
Spring boot

Advantages of Spring Boot

  • It provides a lot of default configurations which help you to create Spring application faster.
  • It comes with embedded tomcat or jetty server, so you don’t have to deploy jar.
  • It reduces development code by avoiding a lot of boilerplate code.
  • It increases productivity as you can create Spring application quickly.
  • It provides a lot of starter project for easy maven integration.You don’t have to worry about version mismatch.
  • You can quickly create using sample project using spring boot initializer

Spring Boot tutorial examples

I have created a lot of Spring Boot examples. here is list of Spring boot tutorials.

Spring boot web application example

You can create a simple hello world example using JSP as view. It will also help you understand how to override default configuration.

Spring boot Hello world example using thymeleaf

You can create a simple hello world example using thymeleaf as view.

Spring boot standalone application

All about created projects are web project. In this example, we will see how to create simple standalone non web project using Spring Boot.

Spring boot Restful web service example

It is very easy to create rest web service using Spring boot rather than creating using convention way in Spring MVC.

Spring Boot hibernate example

This example will show you how to integrate Hibernate with SpringBoot. You don’t have to worry about configuring DataSource, EntitymanagerFactory, TransactionManager, Spring boot will do it for you. You just need to provide required configuration in properties file.

Spring boot AngularJS example

This example will show you how to integrate AngularJS with Spring Boot.

Spring Boot ActiveMQ example

This example will help you to integrate ActiveMQ with Spring Boot.

Spring Boot Security example

This example will help you to integrate Spring Security with SpringBoot.

How to find/print all bean loaded by Spring Boot

As you, Spring Boot provides a lot of default configuration. You may want to get all the beans loaded by Spring Boot behind the scene. This example will help you find all beans loaded by Spring Boot.

That’s all about Spring Boot tutorial. I will keep adding more example to this Spring Boot tutorial.

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