In this post, we are going to see another important annotation called @RestController. It is generally used while working with Spring restful Web services implementation.
Spring MVC tutorial:
- Spring MVC hello world example
- Spring MVC Hibernate MySQL example
- Spring MVC interceptor example
- Spring MVC angularjs example
- Spring MVC @RequestMapping example
- Spring Component,Service, Repository and Controller example
- Spring MVC @ModelAttribute annotation example
- Spring MVC @RestController annotation example
- Spring MultiActionController Example
- Spring MVC ModelMapSpring MVC file upload example
- Spring restful web service example
- Spring restful web service json example
- Spring Restful web services CRUD example
- Spring security hello world example
- Spring security custom login form example
If we need to directly get resource from controller, we need to return @ResponseBody as per Spring 3 but with Spring 4, we can use @RestController for that.
In spring 4.0, we can use @RestController which is combination of @Controller + @ResponseBody.
Is same as
Instead of annotating each method return type as @ResponseBody, we can directly annotate a class with @RestController. You can see Spring rest Json example to get complete working example on @RestController.