Save Image to File in Python

Save image to file in Python

1. Introduction

In the realm of Python programming, saving images to files is a task that finds its importance in numerous applications like web scraping, data visualization, and multimedia processing. This article presents a comprehensive guide on various Python methods for saving images, with a focus on practical scenarios involving both local and web sources.

Our objective is to save an image, which could be located in a local directory or accessible via a URL, to a specified target directory. The methods discussed will cater to different formats and scenarios, ensuring adaptability to various project needs.

2. Using the Pillow Library

Pillow is a versatile library for image processing, supporting a wide range of file formats.

Let’s save image to file image library:

Here, we save an image from C:/images/source/example.jpg to D:/images/target/ as a PNG file.


  • Import Libraries: PIL for image processing and os for directory handling.
  • Paths: Define the source image path and target directory.
  • Directory Check: Create the target directory if it does not exist using os.makedirs.
  • Image Processing: Open the source image using and save it in the target path using, converting it to PNG in the process. We can also save it to output.jpg in case we need same format.

3. Using OpenCV

OpenCV is optimal for performance-oriented tasks, such as resizing images before saving.

To resize an image from C:/images/source/example.jpg to 800×600 pixels and save it to D:/images/target/:


  • Import Libraries: cv2 for OpenCV functions and os for directory operations.
  • Reading and Resizing: Read the image using cv2.imread() and resize it with cv2.resize().
  • Saving the Image: Write the resized image to the target directory using cv2.imwrite().

4. Using Matplotlib

Matplotlib is primarily used for creating static, interactive, and animated visualizations.

To save a plot image from C:/images/source/graph.jpg to D:/images/target/:


  • Import Libraries: matplotlib.pyplot and matplotlib.image for image operations, os for directory handling.
  • Image Reading and Plotting: Read the image with mpimg.imread and display it using plt.imshow.
  • Saving the Plot: Save the plotted image to the target path using plt.savefig.

5. Using SciPy

Save an image after basic manipulation from C:/images/source/sci_image.jpg to D:/images/target/.


  • Import Libraries: scipy.misc for image saving, imageio for reading images, and os for directory management.
  • Reading the Image: Load the image using imageio.imread.
  • Saving the Image: Save the processed image to the target path using imsave.

6. Using the urllib Module

The urllib module is used for fetching URLs, particularly handy for downloading images from the web.

Downloading an image from a URL and saving it to D:/images/target/:


  • Import Libraries: urllib.request for fetching URLs and os for directory handling.
  • Downloading the Image: Use urllib.request.urlretrieve to download the image from the specified URL directly to the target path.

7. Using the pickle Module

Pickle is used for serializing and de-serializing Python object structures, making it useful for image data storage.

Serializing an image from C:/images/source/pickle_image.jpg to D:/images/target/:


  • Import Libraries: pickle for serialization, imageio for reading the image, and os for file management.
  • Image Serialization: Read and serialize the image using pickle.dump, and save it to the target directory.

8. Conclusion and Practical Insights

Through this exploration, we’ve provided a detailed guide on various methods to save images in Python, each tailored for different use cases:

  • Pillow: Great for versatile image processing and format conversions.
  • OpenCV: Ideal for high-performance tasks and image manipulations like resizing.
  • Matplotlib: Best suited for saving visualizations and graphical data.
  • SciPy: Useful for scientific image manipulations and basic saving tasks.
  • urllib: Efficient for directly downloading and saving images from URLs.
  • Pickle: Unique for storing serialized image data for later reconstruction.

The choice of method depends on the specific requirements of our project, such as the nature of the image source, the desired processing, and the target format. By selecting the appropriate method, one can handle image saving tasks in Python effectively and efficiently.

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