PowerShell – Redirect Output to File

PowerShell - redirect output to File

Using Out-File Cmdlet

Use the Out-File cmdlet to redirect PowerShell output to a file.

The Get-Process is used to retrieve all the processes that are currently running on our machine (local computer). We can filter this information by specifying parameters; for instance, we used the -Name parameter to get all chrome processes currently running. Without parameters, this cmdlet will get all the processes currently running on the local computer.

The Out-File cmdlet is used to send the information received from the previous process to a given file. This cmdlet implicitly uses the formatting system of PowerShell to write to the given file and gets the exact display representation as the PowerShell console.

Out-File wrote the received information to the OutputFile.txt, which we specified using the -FilePath parameter name. Remember, the above command will create the .txt file if it does not exist and will overwrite it if it exists. So, use the -Append parameter if you do not want to lose your existing content or use -NoClobber to avoid overwriting the file.

This Out-File cmdlet is recommended if we are required to use parameters to filter the information; otherwise, the redirection option (we will learn it in a while) is better. For example, we can use the following parameters with Out-File.

Parameter Description
-FilePath It is used to specify the location and file’s name.
-Append It is used to append output to an existing file.
-Force We can overwrite a read-only file using this parameter.
-Width It limits the number of characters on every line (the default limit is 80 characters).
-WhatIf It is used to run in the test mode.
-NoClobber It does not allow us to overwrite the file.
-NoNewLine It does not permit writing newline characters.

Using Redirection Operators

Use redirection operators > and >> to redirect PowerShell output to a file.

In the previous section, we have already learned about the Get-Process cmdlet and -Name parameter. Here, we used the redirection operator > to write the PowerShell output to the file. It will create the OutputFile.txt if it is not present in the given directory and overwrite it if it is there.

Using the > operator, we would only be able to write to the given file if everything works fine because it is used to the Success Only stream. However, there are multiple variations of redirection operators to write different streams. So let’s look at them with a description and equivalent cmdlet.

Redirection Operator Description Equivalent Cmdlet
> It is used to write a Success only stream. Write-Output
2> It is used to write an Error only stream. Write-Error
3> We can use it to write a Warning only stream. Write-Warning
4> It is used to write Verbose only steam. Write-Verbose
5> It is used to write Debug only steam. Write-Debug
6> It is used to write Information only steam. Write-Information
*> All

Don’t worry if you are looking for a redirect operator to append a file; we have you covered. We can use another redirection operator (>>) to append output in the specified file.

Using StreamWriter .Net Class

To redirect PowerShell output to a file:

  • Instantiate the System.IO.StreamWriter class using the New-Object cmdlet.
  • Use the Get-Process cmdlet to get information about all the currently running processes.
  • Send the retrieved information from the previous step to the ForEach-Object cmdlet using a pipeline (|).
  • Now, ForEach-Object iterates over every process object and write to the specified file.
  • Lastly, use the .Close() method to close the StreamWriter object.

In this example, the New-Object cmdlet is used to create a new instance of the System.IO.StreamWriter class, which is used to write text (string type data) to a stream. Next, the StreamWriter object is initialized with the path to the output file as an argument.

The Get-Process cmdlet is used to retrieve a list of processes, which is piped to the ForEach-Object cmdlet. The ForEach-Object cmdlet iterates through each process object and writes it to the output file using the WriteLine method of the StreamWriter object.

Finally, the Close method of the StreamWriter object is called to close the stream and release any associated resources. This code will create a file named Output.txt in the E:\Test directory and write the output of the Get-Process command to the file.

Note: The StreamWriter class is part of the .NET Framework and can be used in PowerShell to write text to a file or other stream. It provides more advanced features than the built-in redirection operators, such as the ability to specify the encoding of the output, append to an existing file, control the buffer size and flush the buffer to the stream.

Using Add-Content Cmdlet

Use the Add-Content cmdlet to redirect PowerShell output to a file.

This command retrieved a list of processes using the Get-Process cmdlet and appended the output to the end of the FileOutput.txt file in the E:\Test directory. If the given file does not exist, it will be created.

You can also use the -Encoding parameter to specify the output file’s encoding and the -NoNewline parameter to prevent the cmdlet from adding a new line character at the end of an output.

The Add-Content cmdlet is useful when we want to write the PowerShell command’s output to a file, but do not need to perform advanced operations such as seeking or reading from the file. In addition, it is advantageous when we want to append the output to an existing file, as it does not overwrite its contents.

Using Set-Content Cmdlet

Use the Set-Content cmdlet to redirect PowerShell output to a file.

In the previous section, we have already learned about the Add-Content cmdlet and -Encoding parameter. This command is similar to the Add-Content, which retrieves a list of processes using the Get-Process cmdlet and writes the output to the FileOutput.txt file located in the E:\Test directory.

But it will overwrite the content if the file already exists. So again, like the Add-Content cmdlet, we can also use the -Encoding parameter. The Set-Content cmdlet is beneficial when we want to replace the contents of an existing file, as it overwrites the file’s contents.

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