NameError: Name xrange Is Not Defined in Python

NameError: name xrange is not defined in Python

This NameError: Name 'xrange' Is Not Defined in Python is one of the errors which can occur while using Python. Our objective is to identify the underlying cause of the error and then provide ways to resolve it.

Using xrange() Method to Reproduce NameError

Use the xrange() method to reproduce NameError in Python 3.x.

When someone tries to use the xrange() method in the Python 3.x version, the NameError: Name 'xrange' Is Not Defined error occurs because the interpreter does not recognize it. This xrange() function is unavailable in Python 3.x or later. It was available in Python 2.x, but in later versions, it is updated as the range() method, which works similarly to the xrange() method but has a different keyword.

What could happen if we used the above code in Python 2.x? As we know that the xrange() is a built-in method in Python 2.x version to provide a range of the integers; so, the above code could produce integers from 1 to 4, the ending number in xrange() method is excluded from the output.

The point is resolving the above-mentioned error in Python 3.x if we have to face it. So let’s learn it in the following section.

Possible Solutions to Resolve NameError: Name xrange Is Not Defined in Python

We can use one of the following solutions to resolve the NameError: Name 'xrange' Is Not Defined error.

Use range() Method

If you use Python 3.x or later versions, replace the xrange() method with range() in your code to resolve this error.

In the above code snippet, the range() method generates integers from 1 up to 5.

The output of range() is similar to the xrange() method output.

Let’s consider a scenario in which we used the range() function to generate a range of integers having a specific difference. In that case, the range() will take three parameters: start, stop, and step, briefly explained below.

Parameters Meaning
start (inclusive) It represents the start of the range we want to generate. By default, it is 0.
stop (exclusive) It represents the end of the range; it will not include in the range.
step It represents the step size or difference between the integers by default step is 1.

See the following example to learn the use of the above-mentioned parameters:

In this example, the range method generated integers from 0 up to 10 with the difference of 2 steps. If you are using Python 2.x or an older version, you can use the xrange() method in the same way, to generate numbers with specific step differences.

Use xrange=range

Another solution to fix the error in Python 3.x is to make these two methods equal, as shown below.

We can observe xrange = range is used in the above example to fix the NameError: Name 'xrange' Is Not Defined in Python error. So, if you are getting this error, add xrange = range in your code, and boom! It will be resolved.

Use past.builtins Library

To resolve this NameError: Name 'xrange' Is Not Defined in Python error, import the built-in methods from the previous versions in Python 3.x using the past.builtins library, as shown below.

In this example, the xrange method is imported from the past.builtins library, which contains all the built-in methods of previous python versions.

That’s all abput how to fix NameError: Name xrange is Not Defined in Python.

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