How to Initialize an Array in Constructor in C++

How to initialize an array in Constructor in C++

1. Introduction

In C++ programming, initializing an array within a constructor is a common practice, especially in object-oriented design. Consider a class named DataContainer that encapsulates an integer array. Our goal is to ensure this array is initialized appropriately when an object of the class is created. This article aims to guide beginners through various methods of array initialization in C++ constructors, offering practical information and examples.

2. Direct Initialization in Constructor

Direct Initialization involves manually setting each array element to a desired value within the constructor. It is straightforward and can be used with any data type.

Code Explanation:

  • DataContainer(): This constructor initializes each element of the data array to 0.
  • printData(): This method prints the contents of the data array.


3. Using Member Initializer List

Member Initializer List allows direct initialization of array elements at the time of object creation. It’s especially handy with primitive types but can be used with custom types as long as they have a default constructor or a constructor that matches the provided arguments.


  • data{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}: Initializes data with values from 0 to 9.


4. Using std::fill and std::fill_n

std::fill and std::fill_n from the C++ Standard Library provide a way to initialize all elements of an array to a specified value.

Code Explanation:


  • std::fill(std::begin(data), std::end(data), -1): Fills data with -1.

std::fill is used to assign a given value to all elements in a range within a container (like arrays, vectors, etc.).

  • first: Forward iterator to the beginning of the range.
  • last: Forward iterator to the end of the range.
  • value: The value to be assigned to the elements in the specified range.

std::fill_n is similar to std::fill, but instead of a range, it works with a starting point and a count, setting a specified number of elements to a given value.

  • first: Output iterator to the beginning of the range.
  • count: The number of elements to be assigned the value.
  • value: The value to be assigned.

Here is an example:


5. Performance Comparison of Methods

  • Direct Initialization: Good for small arrays or custom initialization logic.
  • Member Initializer List: Best for fixed-size arrays with compile-time known values.
  • std::fill/std::fill_n: Ideal for larger arrays or uniform value initialization.

6. Conclusion

Initializing arrays in C++ constructors can be achieved in various ways, each suitable for different scenarios. Direct initialization provides customizability, the member initializer list offers succinctness for static values, and std::fill or std::fill_n are efficient for uniform initialization, especially in larger arrays. By understanding these methods, programmers can choose the most appropriate approach for their specific needs, balancing between readability, efficiency, and practicality.

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