Python If with And Operator

Python if and

In python, we frequently used boolean expressions with conditional statements to implement business logic. In this article, we will discuss how we can use if statements with the AND operator to implement conditional logic in our program.

The and Operator and if Statement in Python

The syntax for the if statement is as follows.

Here, the conditional_expression is an expression that evaluates to True or False. If it evaluates to True, the code inside the if block is executed.

In python, and is a binary operator that is used to evaluate the combined result of two boolean expressions. The syntax for and operator in python is as follows.

Here, expression1 and expression2 should reduce to a boolean value. The result of expression1 and expression2 is decided as follows.

  • If both expression1 and expression2 are True, the whole expression evaluates to True.
  • If both expression1 and expression2 are False, the whole expression evaluates to False.
  • If expression1 is True and expression2 is False or vice versa, the whole expression evaluates to False.

You can observe this in the following example.


Application of if Statement with the and Operator in Python

In python, we use the if statement with the AND operator to check multiple conditions in a single if statement as follows.


We can also replace nested if statements with If and statements in python. For this, we create a boolean expression using AND operator and boolean expressions of nested if statements as shown below.


Here, you can see that we have used two if statements to check if a number is between 100 and 200 or not. In place of the nested for loops, we can use if statement with and operator as we saw in the previous example.


In this article, we have discussed if statements with AND operator in python. We also saw how we can replace nested if statements with an if statement with and operator in python.

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