Print Unicode Character in Python

1. Introduction

Handling Unicode characters is a critical aspect of modern programming, especially in a globalized environment where software applications need to support multiple languages and character sets. Python, being a widely-used language, provides several methods to handle and display Unicode characters. This article will explore these methods in both Python 2 and Python 3, as their support for Unicode differs significantly.

For instance, given a Unicode character like ‘ä½ ’, our aim is to correctly display these characters in Python. We’ll look at the various approaches, their compatibility with different Python versions, and performance considerations.

2. Using Standard Print Function in Python 3

Python 3 has first-class support for Unicode, making it straightforward to work with Unicode characters.


  • In Python 3, all strings are Unicode by default. The print function can handle Unicode characters without any additional encoding or decoding.
  • To ensure this works as expected, the Python source file should be encoded in UTF-8 (which is the default in Python 3).

Python 2 Consideration:

In Python 2, this method won’t work as expected since it doesn’t treat strings as Unicode by default. It requires explicit encoding or decoding to handle Unicode.

3. Using Unicode Literals in Python 2

In Python 2, Unicode strings are distinct from standard strings and need to be explicitly defined as Unicode literals.


  • Prefixing the string with u tells Python 2 that it’s a Unicode string.
  • Python 2 requires more careful handling of Unicode data, especially when mixing Unicode and non-Unicode strings.

4. Using Unicode Escape Sequences

This method is particularly useful when direct typing of Unicode characters is not feasible or in environments with limited Unicode support.


  • Escape sequence like \u4F60 (for ‘ä½ ’) are used to represent Unicode characters by their code points.
  • This approach is compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3.

5. Encoding and Decoding for File I/O

Handling file I/O operations with Unicode data requires proper encoding and decoding, especially in Python 2.


  • In Python 3, we can specify the encoding directly in file operations.
  • In Python 2, we need to encode the Unicode string in UTF-8 before writing to a file.

6. Handling Encoding Issues in the Console

One common issue that arises when working with Unicode characters in Python, particularly when trying to print them, is encountering encoding errors. This often happens due to the console’s inability to handle non-ASCII characters, leading to errors like the infamous "ascii codec can’t encode character."

6.1 The Role of PYTHONIOENCODING Environment Variable

Issue: When using print() to display Unicode characters, Python sometimes encounters errors because it defaults to using ASCII encoding for the console, assuming it cannot handle Unicode.
Solution: Setting the PYTHONIOENCODING environment variable to UTF-8 can resolve this issue.

  • In our shell (like Bash), we can set this variable by executing export PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8 before running your Python script.
  • This environment variable instructs Python to use UTF-8 encoding for stdin/stdout/stderr, thus allowing Unicode characters to be printed correctly in the console.

6.2 Writing and Reading Unicode Data to a File

Writing: When writing Unicode data to a file, it’s crucial to specify the encoding (preferably UTF-8) to ensure the data is written correctly without any unintended transformations.
Example: open('file.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') in Python 3.
Reading: When reading this data back, it’s important to read it in a way that respects the encoding.
If we read the file and directly output its bytes to the console without decoding, it might work because the console receives raw UTF-8 bytes, which it can render correctly.

6.3 Why This Works

  • Internally, Python 3 uses UTF-8 by default for strings (as per the Unicode HOWTO).
  • The issue arises when interfacing with the external environment (like the console), which might not be set up to handle UTF-8 by default.
  • By ensuring that the environment is UTF-8 compatible and explicitly handling encodings when dealing with files, we can effectively work with Unicode in Python.

7. Conclusion

In summary, Unicode characters are a fundamental part of modern computing, enabling the representation and processing of a diverse range of languages and symbols. Python’s support for Unicode, especially in Python 3, simplifies working with global text data. However, it’s important to be mindful of the differences in Unicode handling between Python 2 and Python 3, especially when it comes to file I/O operations and printing Unicode characters to the console or GUI interfaces.

Understanding and correctly handling Unicode in Python, especially when dealing with external environments like the console, is crucial for developing applications that are robust and compatible with a wide range of characters and symbols. The key is to ensure that both Python and the external environment (like the console or files) are in agreement on the encoding used, with UTF-8 being the preferred standard due to its wide compatibility and support for a vast range of characters.

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