How to Print Multiple Variables in Java

How to print multiple variables in java

1. Introduction

In Java programming, it’s common to need to print multiple variables for various purposes like debugging, logging, or displaying information to the user. These variables might be of different data types (such as integers, strings, or floats), and our goal is to effectively combine and display them. The expected output is a coherent string that includes the values of all these variables. This article will explore various methods to print multiple variables in Java, considering performance, readability, and use case scenarios.

2. Using Concatenation with the ‘+’ Operator

One of the simplest ways to print multiple variables in Java is by using the + operator to concatenate them into a single string.



  • The + operator is used to concatenate strings and variables into a single string.
  • This method is straightforward and easy to read, making it great for simple scenarios.

In terms of performance, using + for concatenation can be less efficient, especially in loops, as it creates intermediate String objects.

3. Using String.format() Method

The String.format() method offers a more flexible way to combine variables into a string, allowing formatted output.


  • String.format uses format specifiers like %s for strings and %d for integers.
  • It provides better control over formatting, such as precision for floating-point numbers and padding for integers.

String.format() is slightly slower than simple concatenation due to parsing the format string but offers enhanced control over the output.

4. Using StringBuilder or StringBuffer

For scenarios where multiple string concatenations are required, such as in loops, StringBuilder (or StringBuffer in multi-threaded environments) is more efficient.


Both StringBuilder and StringBuffer are more performance-efficient in scenarios involving multiple concatenations.

  • StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();: A StringBuilder object named sb is created. StringBuilder is a mutable sequence of characters, and it’s used for building strings efficiently.
  • sb.append("Name: ").append(name).append(", Age: ").append(age);: Appends variables and string(For display) to StringBuilder
  • sb.toString(): Converts the StringBuilder object sb to a String. The resulting string is Name: John, Age: 30.

5. Using System.out.printf()

This method provides a way to format strings and output them to the console, similar to the printf function in languages like C. It allows us to create a formatted string with placeholders, which are then replaced by the values of variables.
This is similar to String.format() method.



  • %s is a placeholder for a string. In the example, it’s replaced by the value of name.
  • %d is a placeholder for a decimal integer. In the example, it’s replaced by the value of age.
  • %n is a platform-independent newline character.
  • The printf() method does not automatically add a newline at the end, so %n is often used to append a newline character.


  • System.out.printf() is quite efficient for printing formatted strings.
  • It’s particularly useful when we need to control the formatting of the output (like specifying the number of decimal places for floating-point numbers, padding, or aligning text).

6. Using Java Streams for Collection of Variables

When dealing with a collection of variables, Java Streams can be used for efficient concatenation.


  • Streams provide a high-level and functional approach to handle collections of data.
  • Collectors.joining is used to concatenate elements of the stream with a delimiter.
    Streams offer a balance between performance and readability, especially for operations on collections.

7. Print Multiple Variables using Logger

In Java applications, particularly in larger or more complex applications, using a logging framework instead of System.out.println for outputting information is a standard practice. Logging frameworks provide more flexibility, such as logging levels, formatting, and directing output to various destinations (like files, console, network, etc.). Let’s explore how to print multiple variables using a logger.

Using java.util.logging.Logger:
Java’s built-in logging framework, java.util.logging, can be used for this purpose.


  • Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getName()) initializes a logger instance for the Main class.
  • logger.log(Level.INFO, "Name: {0}, Age: {1}", new Object[]{name, age}); logs the formatted string at the INFO level. The placeholders {0} and {1} are replaced by the name and age values, respectively.
  • The Level.INFO is a logging level indicating the importance of the message. There are various levels like SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST.

Please note that there are multiple libraries available for logging such as log4j, slf4j etc. apart from java inbuilt logging. We should choose library based on our needs.


  • Logging frameworks like java.util.logging are generally more efficient in handling strings compared to direct concatenation, especially when the logging level is set to ignore certain messages. This can prevent unnecessary string concatenation and processing when the log message is not required to be recorded.
  • Another advantage is the ability to easily switch between different levels of logging (like turning on debug messages) without changing the source code.

8. Frequently Asked Questions

1) How Can We Print Multiple Values on One Line in Java?
We can use System.out.print or System.out.printf to print multiple values on one line in java.

2) How Can We Print Multiple Integers in Java?
We can print multiple integers with the help of System.out.print or System.out.printf.


3) How Can We Print String and Integer in Same Line in Java?
Here is example to print string and integer in same line in java:


9. Conclusion

Printing multiple variables in Java can be achieved through various methods, each suited to different use cases. Simple concatenation with the + operator is easy and straightforward for a small number of variables. String.format offers more control over formatting, while StringBuilder and StringBuffer provide efficient ways to handle multiple concatenations. Java Streams are useful for handling collections of variables. The choice of method should be based on the specific requirements of the task, balancing factors like simplicity, performance, and the complexity of the data being handled.

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