Get Variable from Function in Python

1. Introduction

When working with Python, a common task is retrieving a variable’s value from a function. This capability is crucial in various programming scenarios, such as modular coding, data processing, and algorithm implementation. Our goal in this article is to explore different methods for extracting variable values from functions in Python.

Example Scenario:

Imagine a function that calculates the area of a circle. We want to retrieve the calculated area value from this function. The expected output would be the area of the circle, given the radius as input.

2. Basic Method: Return Statement

The most straightforward way to get a variable from a function in Python is by using the return statement. In Python, a return statement is used in a function to send a result back to where the function was called.


  • def calculate_area(radius): starts a function definition. This function takes one input called radius.
  • area = 3.14 * radius * radius calculates the area of a circle.
  • return area sends the calculated area back to the line where the function was called.
  • circle_area = calculate_area(5) calls the function with 5 as the radius and stores the returned value in circle_area.
  • print("Area of the circle:", circle_area) displays the calculated area.

3. Using Global Variables

Global variables are variables that are accessible from anywhere in our code, unlike local variables that are only accessible within the function they are declared.



  • area = 0 declares a global variable named area.
  • Inside calculate_area, global area tells Python we want to use the global area variable.
  • calculate_area(5) calls the function, and the global area is updated.
  • print("Area of the circle:", area) shows the updated value of area.

4. Using a Class Attribute

A class in Python is like a blueprint for creating objects. Class attributes are variables that belong to the class and are shared by all instances of the class.



  • class Circle: defines a new class named Circle.
  • __init__ is a special method that runs when a new Circle object is created.
  • self.radius and self.area are attributes; they store data specific to each Circle object.
  • circle = Circle(5) creates a new Circle object with a radius of 5.
  • circle.calculate_area() calls a method that calculates the area and stores it in circle.area.
  • print("Area of the circle:", circle.area) prints the area stored in the circle object.

5. Using Function Attributes

Functions in Python can have attributes, which are like properties attached to the function.



  • calculate_area.area assigns the calculated area to an attribute area of the function calculate_area.
  • calculate_area(5) calculates the area for a radius of 5.
  • calculate_area.area holds the last calculated area.

6. Nested Functions and Nonlocal Variables

A nested function is a function inside another function. Nonlocal variables are used to modify a variable from the outer function within the inner function.



  • inner_function modifies area, which is defined in outer_function.
  • nonlocal area allows inner_function to change area from outer_function.

7. Returning Multiple Values

In Python, you can return multiple values from a function in the form of a tuple, which is like a list that cannot be changed.



  • circle_properties returns two values: area and circumference.
  • area, circumference = circle_properties(5) calls the function and unpacks the returned tuple into two variables.

8. Conclusion

We’ve explored various methods to retrieve variables from functions in Python. Each method has its use cases and understanding these can help us choose the right approach for our specific needs. For beginners, starting with the return statement and then exploring other methods like class attributes and function attributes can provide a solid foundation in managing data flow in Python programs.

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