Python String
- 11 April
Python Remove Newline from List
🎯 Objective: In this article, we will discuss the methods to remove ‘\n’ or newline characters from a list. Introduction In a string, the ‘\n’ represents newline. But having them in your list can be a problem if you want to extract a given string from a list with no escape characters. This means, if […]
- 03 April
Sort String Alphabetically in Python
In this article you will learn:- How to sort a string alphabetically in Python?
- 30 March
Python Split String by Comma
In this article you will learn how to split a string by comma as a separator.
- 27 February
[Solved] TypeError: Can’t Multiply Sequence by non-int of Type ‘float’ In Python?
Learn about how to fix TypeError: Can’t Multiply Sequence by non-int of Type ‘float’ In Python?
- 27 February
[Solved] TypeError: List Indices Must Be Integers Or Slices, Not ‘Str’?
Learn how to fix TypeError: List Indices Must Be Integers Or Slices, Not 'Str' in this article.
- 21 April
Python Print without Newline
In this post, we will see how to print without Newline in Python. In python, when you use two print statements consecutively, it will print in different line. [crayon-679b14020fb62273710744/] Output: Hello world from Java2blog As expected, we got Hello world and from Java2blog If you want to print these two print statements in the same […]
- 23 March
Python String to bytes
In this post, we will see how to convert String to bytes in Python. There are two ways to convert String to bytes in Python. Using bytes() constructor You can use bytes() constructor to convert String to bytes in Python. You need to pass string and encoding as argument. Here is an example: [crayon-679b14020fc29311580004/] Output: […]