Python Error
- 10 February
How to fix TypeError: A Bytes-Like object Is Required, Not ‘str’?
Learn about how To Fix TypeError: A Bytes-Like object Is Required, Not 'str'?
- 15 April
NameError: Name requests Is Not Defined
Python has a name error when you try to use a variable or function that is not defined currently. It means that Python has no idea where to locate the requests module or library you are trying to use in your code when you receive the nameError: name 'requests' is not defined error. There are […]
- 14 April
NameError: Name xrange Is Not Defined in Python
This NameError: Name 'xrange' Is Not Defined in Python is one of the errors which can occur while using Python. Our objective is to identify the underlying cause of the error and then provide ways to resolve it. Using xrange() Method to Reproduce NameError Use the xrange() method to reproduce NameError in Python 3.x. [crayon-67e734f403cb8667676108/] […]
- 09 April
TypeError: ‘dict_values’ Object Is Not Subscriptable
Reproducing TypeError: ‘dict_values object is not subscriptable When you try to access the dict_values object through index, the error will raise stating TypeError: 'dict_values' object is not subscriptable. Here is the example below. [crayon-67e734f403ee6814890045/] [crayon-67e734f403eeb035614178/] Convert dict_values object to list To resolve TypeError: 'dict_values object is not subscriptable, convert dict_values object to list before accessing […]
- 27 December
[Fixed] NameError Name ‘unicode’ is Not Defined in Python
Use str() Method To resolve the NameError: name 'unicode' is not defined, replace the occurrence of unicode() with str(). This issue occurs because unicode() was renamed to str() in Python 3. [crayon-67e734f4040cb780953715/] [crayon-67e734f4040d1866111275/] Unicode is a computing industry standard that ensures that text from most of the world’s writing systems is consistently encoded, rendered, and […]
- 23 September
TypeError: Object of Type Datetime Is Not Json Serializable in Python
In Python, the datetime library allows us to create objects of the datetime class that can store and process date and time values efficiently. We can manipulate these objects according to our needs using the wide range of functionalities provided by this library. JSON is a type of encoding for data that is used frequently […]
- 01 February
[Fixed] SyntaxError: Unexpected Character After Line Continuation Character
While programming in python, sometimes we need to write very long statements. For better presentation, we often use line continuation character. However, if you don’t use line continuation character correctly, SyntaxError occurs with the message “SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character in python”. In this article, we will discuss the possible cases when this […]
- 01 February
[Fixed] Object of Type int64 Is Not JSON Serializable
JSON objects are used extensively in data transmission or in data interchange between different languages. To transmit data, we often convert the data to JSON objects. After that, we transmit the data. Sometimes, while creating a JSON object, your program might run into the TypeError exception with the message “object of type int64 is not […]
- 10 December
[Fixed] ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)
While programming in python, we can assign values to two or more variables in a single statement. While doing so, you might get the ValueError exception with the message “ValueError: too many values to unpack ”. If you are trying to assign values to two variables at the same time, you will get the message […]
- 14 April
How to check if variable exists in Python
Introduction Objective: This article will discuss the different methods to check if a variable exists in Python. Before we dive into the methods to check for the availability of a variable in the code, let us first understand why we need to do so? 🤔 To answer the above question, you must understand “what is a NameError […]