• 22 January

    Replace space with underscore in Python

    Strings are an essential data type in programming. In Python, we can treat strings as an iterable of characters, and can perform a variety of functions and operations on them. Replacing characters in a string is one such operation. Ways to replace space with underscore in Python In this article, we will discuss various methods […]

  • Python copy file to another directory
    17 January

    How to copy file to another directory in Python

    In this article, we will see different ways to copy file to another directory in Python. We can read and write files in Python. We can also work with paths and directories using different libraries. Ways to copy file to another directoy in Python We will discuss different methods to copy file from one destination […]

  • Check if variable is String in Python
    13 January

    Check if Variable Is String in Python

    In this post, we will see what is a string in Python and how to check whether a given variable is a string or not. There are many options in Python when it comes to making a choice of selecting a data type and this sometimes creates a need This tutorial focuses on and demonstrates […]

  • Count the number of characters in a String in Python
    13 January

    Count number of characters in a string in python

    In this post, we will see how to count number of characters in a String in Python. We can think of strings as a collection of characters, with every character at a given index. Ways to count the number of characters in a string in Python In this tutorial, we will find out the total […]

  • Pandas apply function to column
    12 January

    Pandas apply function to column

    We make use of the Pandas dataframe to store data in an organized and tabular manner. Sometimes there, is a need to apply a function over a specific column or the whole table of the stored data. This tutorial demonstrates the different methods available to apply a function to a column of a pandas dataframe […]

  • Copy file Python
    12 January

    How to Copy File in Python?

    Python provides us with many modules and functions to perform file operations. In this article, we will discuss different ways to copy file in python. For this, we will use the os module, shutil module, and subprocess module. We will also discuss advantages and disadvantages for each approach as file operations are costly in terms […]

  • Find rows with nan in Pandas
    11 January

    Find rows with nan in Pandas

    In this post, we will see how to find rows with nan in Pandas. What is nan values in Pandas? A pandas DataFrame can contain a large number of rows and columns. Sometimes, a DataFrame may contain NaN values. Such values indicate that something is not legal and is different from Null which means a […]

  • What is percent in python
    11 January

    What is % in Python?

    In this article, we will cover what is % in Python and what are different ways to use % in Python. In python, there are different types of operators with which we can perform different operations on any given data. In this article, we will discuss the % operator in python. We will also discuss […]

  • 09 January

    Convert Set to String in Python

    Sets are an unordered collection of elements in Python. It does not contain duplicate elements and can be defined using the set() function in Python. Ways to convert set to string in Python This tutorial will discuss how to convert a set to string and view it as the latter in Python. We can verify […]