• Create a list from 1 to 100 in Python
    03 May

    Create a List from 1 to 100 in Python

    In this article, we will see how to create a list from 1 to 100 in Python. Ways to create a list from 1 to 100 in Python A list is an object that contains a sequence of elements in Python. We will discuss how to create a list from 1 to 100 in Python. […]

  • Return vs Print in Python
    16 April

    Return vs Print in Python

    Return vs Print in Python In Python, we work with a wide range of functions that make our code simple. We can also create functions using the def keyword. A function can be defined as per our requirement and can display something or return a value. This is where confusion occurs regarding the print and […]

  • Floor division in Python
    10 April

    Floor division in Python

    In this post, we will see what is floor division in Python. There are numerous types of operators in Python, all of which have different functioning and are used in different scenarios. One such operator provided in Python is the floor division operator, which comes under the subcategory of Arithmetic Operators. This tutorial discusses what […]

  • How to unpack dictionary in Python
    22 March

    How to Unpack Dictionary in Python

    1. Introduction In Python, unpacking a dictionary is a technique that greatly enhances both the readability and efficiency of our code. This process involves extracting key-value pairs from a dictionary for use in various scenarios, such as passing arguments to functions, iterating through items, or forming new dictionaries. We will explore various methods for accomplishing […]

  • How to wait for 1 second in Python
    22 March

    Wait for 1 second in Python

    There are often times when there is a need to manually add delays or waiting time to a program in Python. This is one of the techniques to provide an overall better programming experience. This tutorial focuses on demonstrating the different ways available to learn how to wait for 1 second in Python. How to […]

  • Format Date to YYYYMMDD in Python
    03 March

    Format Date to YYYYMMDD in Python

    1. Introduction to the Problem Statement Formatting dates into specific string representations is a crucial task in Python, especially in areas like data processing and reporting. One common format is “YYYYMMDD,” which is often used for its simplicity and ease of sorting. For instance, given a Python datetime object representing a date, say 2021-11-27, and we […]

  • Get today's date in Python
    03 March

    Get Today’s Date in Python

    Date and Time objects in Python In Python, we can work efficiently with date and time values. The datetime module is used to create datetime objects that can store date and time values. We can work with different functionalities with such objects. Apart from the datetime module, we also have other packages like the arrow […]

  • Get HTML from URL in Python
    24 February

    Get HTML from URL in Python

    HTML pages with Python Webpages are made using HTML. It is the programming code that defines the webpage and its contents. It is at the core of every website on the internet. We can access and retrieve content from web pages using Python. Python allows us to access different types of data from URLs like […]

  • Get Parent Directory in Python
    20 February

    Get Parent Directory in Python

    Get parent directory in python. A simple way to understand the parent directory is to think of it as a directory that is at a higher position in the hierarchy from the specified directory. All the directories must have a parent directory, with the root directory being the only exception to this statement. This tutorial […]