• PowerShell round to whole number
    03 June

    PowerShell Round to Whole Number

    Using [Math]::Round Method Use the [Math]::Round to round number to whole number in PowerShell. [crayon-67d4112a2ec36064842858/] [crayon-67d4112a2ec46899394209/] We can observe the [Math]::Round method rounds a decimal number to the nearest whole number. In PowerShell, the [Math]::Round method takes two arguments: The number that you want to round. The number of decimal places to round to. Here, […]

  • PowerShell format number with commas
    28 May

    PowerShell Format Number with Commas

    Using -f Format Operator Use the format operator (-f) to format the given number with commas in PowerShell. [crayon-67d4112a2f5fb530957094/] [crayon-67d4112a2f605870570293/] First, the PowerShell variable is initialized with an 8 digit number. Then the -f format operator to format a number with commas as thousands separators. The format string "{0:N0}" specified that the number should be […]

  • PowerShell get number from String
    16 April

    Get Number from String in PowerShell

    1. Introduction PowerShell, a versatile scripting language used primarily on Windows, often requires the extraction of numbers from strings for data processing and manipulation. For example, given a string Order1234, the goal is to extract the number 1234 from it. The expected output, in this case, is a numerical value (integer or float) extracted from […]

  • Format number to 2 decimal places in PowerShell
    16 April

    Format Number to 2 Decimal Places in PowerShell

    In PowerShell, there are so many methods to round or format the numbers to two decimal points. In the following methods, the following steps will be followed: Initialize a variable with the floating point number Round or format the number using the specific method Display the Rounded or formatted number on the screen Using ToString() […]

  • Check if String contains Number in PowerShell
    14 February

    Check if String Contains Number in PowerShell

    Using Regular Expression We use regular expressions whenever we are required to look for specific patterns in the text. The regular expressions, also known as regex, comprise operators, literal characters, and other constructs. PowerShell has various cmdlets and operators that allow us to use regex with them; some of them are given below: Using -match […]