- 04 March
Check if it is possible to reach end of given Array by Jumping
If you want to practice data structure and algorithm programs, you can go through Java coding interview questions.   Problem Given an array with positive integers as elements indicating the maximum length of a jump which can be made from any position in the array. Check if it is possible to have a jumps combination […]
- 20 February
Inorder Successor in a Binary Search Tree
If you want to practice data structure and algorithm programs, you can go through Java coding interview questions. In this post, we will see how to find Inorder Successor in a Binary Search Tree. Problem Given a Binary Search Tree and a target node value. Find the Inorder successor of the given node value in the […]
- 17 February
Check if Array Elements are Consecutive
If you want to practice data structure and algorithm programs, you can go through 100+ data structure and algorithm programs. In this post, we will see how to check if array elements are consecutive. Problem Given an array, we need to check if array contains consecutive elements. For example: Input: array[] = {5, 3, 4, […]
- 04 February
LCA of a K-ary Tree in O(Sqrt(height))
If you want to practice data structure and algorithm programs, you can go through Java coding interview questions. In this post, we will see about how to find Lowest Common Ancestor of a K-ary Tree in O(Sqrt(height)).We have already seen how to find LCA of n-ary tree in O(n) complexity. Problem Given a K-ary tree and […]
- 03 February
Largest Rectangular Area in a Histogram
If you want to practice data structure and algorithm programs, you can go through Java coding interview questions. In this post, we will see about how to find largest rectangular area in a Histogram. Problem Given an Integer representing number of bars in a Histogram and an array of integers representing the height of the bars […]
- 02 February
Longest common Subsequence
If you want to practice data structure and algorithm programs, you can go through Java coding interview questions. Given two Strings A and B. Find the length of the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) of the given Strings. Subsequence can contain any number of characters of a string including zero or all (subsequence containing zero characters is […]
- 30 January
Kruskal’s Algorithm for finding Minimum Spanning Tree
If you want to practice data structure and algorithm programs, you can go through Java coding interview questions. Kruskal’s Algorithm solves the problem of finding a Minimum Spanning Tree(MST) of any given connected and undirected graph. What is a Minimum Spanning Tree? It is basically a subgraph of the given graph that connects all the vertices […]
- 29 January
Count subtrees with Sum equal to target in binary tree
If you want to practice data structure and algorithm programs, you can go through 100+ java coding interview questions. In this post, we will see about how to count subtrees with Sum equal to target in binary tree Problem Given a Binary tree and an integer. You need to find the number of subtrees having the […]
- 08 December
Coin Change Problem in java
If you want to practice data structure and algorithm programs, you can go through Java coding interview questions. In this post, we will see about Coin Change problem in java. Problem Given an Amount to be paid and the currencies to pay with. There is infinite supply of every currency using combination of which, the given […]