Print None as Empty String in Python

The term None in python is not the same as an empty string or 0. None is a whole data type in itself that is provided by python and it is utilized to define a null value.

An object of the None data type can be, however, represented as an empty string in python by converting it into a string data type. This tutorial demonstrates the different ways available to print None as an empty string in Python.

How To Print None as An Empty String in Python?

There are a couple of approaches we can try to print None as an empty string in Python. We should note that all of these approaches use the process of conversion of the object from the None data type to a string.

Using the Boolean OR operator.

The Boolean operator is excellent when it comes to converting an object of the None type to an empty string.

The OR operator is utilized to compare two values and returns the left value if it is truthy, while in the case of falsy it returns the value on the right.

The term None can be classified as a falsy value, due to which the OR operator successfully implements the task at hand.

The following code uses the Boolean OR operator to print None as an empty string in Python.


The output of this code would be an empty string, and would therefore display nothing.

Both None and False are considered to be falsy values in Python which then help in returning the value as an empty string in the above code.

Using a lambda function along with the Boolean OR operator.

A simple addition to the above-mentioned approach, this one makes use of the lambda function along with the Boolean OR operator to print None as an empty string in Python.

The following code uses a lambda function along with the Boolean OR operator to print None as an empty string in Python.


Similar to the approach mentioned above, the output, in this case, will be an empty string.

Using an if statement.

An if statement is generally utilized to place certain conditions and check if they get fulfilled in a code.

This approach is highly explicit as it only works if the variable is of the None type and not when it is of the other falsy types.

The if statement simply checks if the specified variable is of the None type and if that condition holds true, it reassigns the variable which makes it an empty string.

The following code uses an if statement to print None as an empty string in Python.


Similar to the other approaches in the article, the output would successfully come out to be an empty string.


This tutorial demonstrates and explains the various approaches that can be implemented to handle the task of printing None as an empty string in Python. While the if statement approach is more explicit, the other two approaches are fast and make use of a simple Boolean operator.

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