Python String
- 25 November
Print String Till Character in Python
A string can be termed as a collection of characters with each character occupying a particular position. Strings cannot be altered and are considered immutable in Python. Print String Till Character in Python This tutorial will demonstrate how to print string till character in Python. Using the for loop and break statement A string can […]
- 25 November
Remove NewLine from String in Python
1. Introduction Removing newline characters from strings is a common task in Python, especially in text processing and data cleaning. However, newline characters can vary across different operating systems: Unix-like systems (including Linux and macOS) use \n (Line Feed), while Windows uses \r\n (Carriage Return and Line Feed). Therefore, a solution that works uniformly across […]
- 24 November
Print Variable and String in Same Line in Python
💡 TL;DR To Print Variable and String in Same Line in Python, use print() method and separate String and variable with comma. [crayon-679b147930ca0324876823/] Print Variable and String in Same Line in Python We use the print() function in Python to display output. It was changed to a function in Python and existed as a statement […]
- 16 November
Print None as Empty String in Python
The term None in python is not the same as an empty string or 0. None is a whole data type in itself that is provided by python and it is utilized to define a null value. An object of the None data type can be, however, represented as an empty string in python by […]
- 27 October
Add Spaces Between Characters in Python
A string is the generic data type that is offered by Python to store and represent a series of Unicode characters. There might be a need to add a space between all characters of a given string. This tutorial focuses on and demonstrates the different ways available to add spaces between characters in Python. The […]
- 03 October
Convert String to Raw String in Python
Raw strings provide a useful way to describe strings in Python so that the backslashes and their succeeding characters are not interpreted as escape sequences. The interpreter does not implement the escape sequence in such strings but rather considers them as normal characters. This tutorial will demonstrate how to convert string to raw string in […]
- 02 October
Replace Single Quotes with Double Quotes in Python
In Python, strings represent a collection of characters and can be operated on easily using different functions. In this tutorial, we will discuss different methods to replace single quotes with double quotes in Python. Replace Single Quotes with Double Quotes in Python There are multiple way to replace single quotes with double quotes in Python. […]
- 26 September
Prefix r before String in Python
💡 Quick Definition Prefix r before String denotes raw Strings in Python. Python raw string considers backslash (\) as a literal character. This is generally preferred when you don’t want to treat backslash character as escape character. Here is an example: [crayon-679b147931119769383610/] Output: \n \t are escape characters in Python Escape sequences provide an efficient […]
- 23 September
Find All Substrings of String in Python
Dealing with and manipulating strings is a fundamental part of understanding the basics of Python, and the use of substrings and strings can be seen in essentially every Python program. This tutorial focuses on one such part of substrings. The article demonstrates the different approaches available to find all substrings of string in Python. what […]