PowerShell String
- 14 July
PowerShell Remove Special Characters from String
Using Regex.Replace() Method Use the Regex.Replace() method to remove special characters from the specified string in PowerShell. [crayon-677d22af86b1c579462497/] [crayon-677d22af86b23667061429/] First, we declared a variable named $str and set its value to a string containing some special characters. Then, we used the Replace() method of the Regex class from the System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace to replace the special […]
- 29 June
PowerShell Trim String After Character
Using Split()Method Use the Split() method to trim the string after the first occurrence of the specified character in PowerShell. [crayon-677d22af8706b505569447/] [crayon-677d22af87071189747953/] We declared and initialized the $string variable with "Hi! Welcome to Java2Blog! Let's learn." value. Next, we chained the Split() method with the $string variable to split the $string into an array based […]
- 07 June
PowerShell Split String by Multiple Delimiters
Using -split Operator with Regular Expression Use the -split operator with a regular expression to split string by multiple delimiters in PowerShell. [crayon-677d22af871e4847511781/] [crayon-677d22af871e7147693265/] First, a string variable named $string and an array variable called $delimiters is defined. Then, the $string is assigned with "one,two;three four", while $delimiters is set with "[,; ]+". After that, […]
- 28 May
Concatenate String and Variable in PowerShell
Using Concatenation Operators Use concatenation operator represented by + to concatenate String and variable in PowerShell. [crayon-677d22af87335490834484/] [crayon-677d22af87338909459924/] The + is the most basic concatenation operator; we used it to concatenate the "Let's learn "string with the $variable and stored the new string in the $concatenatedStr variable, which we further used with Write-Host cmdlet to […]
- 27 May
PowerShell Add Quotes to String
Using Backtick Characters Use backtick characters to add double quotes to string in PowerShell. [crayon-677d22af8759c645435778/] [crayon-677d22af8759f186031984/] Backtick character is escape character in PowerShell. Here, it is used to escape double quotes in the String. Use backtick characters to add single quotes to string in PowerShell. [crayon-677d22af875a0323245046/] [crayon-677d22af875a2430590285/] Using String Concatenation Operator Use string concatenation operator […]
- 25 April
PowerShell Check if List Contains String
Using -Contains Operator Use the -Contains operator to check if the list contains the specified string in PowerShell. [crayon-677d22af87864866784087/] [crayon-677d22af87868572210512/] In the above example, we used an array operator represented with @() to create a list, which we stored in the $list variable. Next, we initialized the $searchString variable with a string value we wanted […]
- 24 April
PowerShell Split and Get Last Value
Using Split() Method Use the Split() method with the indexing operator to split the specified string and get the last value in PowerShell. [crayon-677d22af87c47825409767/] [crayon-677d22af87c4b856740546/] First, we defined a $string variable and initialized it with a string value, as shown in the above code fence. Next, we used the Split() method, passed whitespace as a […]
- 22 April
Run String as Command in PowerShell
Using Invoke-Expression Cmdlet Use the Invoke-Expression cmdlet to run a string as a command in PowerShell. Invoke-Expression cmdlet evaluates string as command and return the result of string expression. Here is simple exampple: [crayon-677d22af87e2d204779535/] This will open new notepad window. Here is more complicated example. [crayon-677d22af87e31011510201/] [crayon-677d22af87e32688356138/] The Invoke-Expression evaluates a string as a PowerShell […]
- 22 April
PowerShell Check if String Starts with
Using StartsWith() Method Use the StartsWith() to check if string starts with another string in PowerShell. [crayon-677d22af87f60900548589/] [crayon-677d22af87f63182298809/] In the above code, a string variable named $text is initialized with the value of Hello, world! and another string variable called $prefix is created with the value of Hello. After that, using the StartsWith() method, the […]