Core java
- 13 December
Retrofit Android Tutorial
In this tutorial, we are going to see Retrofit Android tutorial to get data from server. In previous post, we have seen android JSON parsing tutorial which was very simple. If you are not aware about Retrofit, it is android http library used to handle HTTP request.You can treat it as a replacement of AsyncTask in previous […]
- 12 December
Android JSON parsing tutorial using Volley
In this tutorial, we are going to see Android JSON parsing tutorial using Volley. In previous post, we have seen android JSON parsing tutorial which was very simple. In this tutorial, we are going to use external library Volley for sending HTTP request. You can treat it as a replacement of AsyncTask in previous tutorial. […]
- 10 December
Android Restful web services tutorial
In this tutorial, we are going to integrate android with restful web services which return json as response. So we are going to get json from restful web services and then render json response to android custom listview. Example : I have already implemented restful webservices json example. I am going to use same example […]
- 25 October
Find Smallest and Largest Element in an Array in Java
If you want to practice data structure and algorithm programs, you can go through 100+ java coding interview questions. In this post, we will see how to find smallest and largest element in an array. 1. Introduction to Problem Let’s say we have an array of numbers. [crayon-67bf29ac22afb265746129/] Our goal is to find out smallest and […]
- 21 October
How to convert Byte Array to String in java
Sometimes, we may need to convert String to bytes Array but how to convert bytes array to String back. toString method does not work correctly here as it just print bytes in String format. You can use String’s constructor to get String back. Example: [crayon-67bf29ac22c72522415619/] When you run above program, you will get below output: […]
- 19 October
Exception handling in java
Exceptions I have started writing about the and how to prepare for the various topics related to OCAJP exams in my blog. In my previous post, I have published few sample mock questions for StringBuilder class. In this post I am going to explain about the another OCAJP exam objective “Differentiate among checked exceptions, unchecked […]
- 12 October
Implement Queue using Linked List in java
If you want to practice data structure and algorithm programs, you can go through 100+ java coding interview questions. In this post , we will see how to implement Queue using Linked List in java. Queue is abstract data type which demonstrates First in first out (FIFO) behaviour. We will implement same behaviour using Array. Although java provides implementation […]
- 10 October
Convert sorted Linked List to balanced BST
If you want to practice data structure and algorithm programs, you can go through 100+ java coding interview questions. In this post , we will see how to convert sorted LinkedList to balanced binary search tree. There are two ways to do it. Solution 1: It is very much similar to convert sorted array to BST. […]
- 24 September
Java Program to Find Second Largest Number in An Array
If you want to practice data structure and algorithm programs, you can go through data structure and algorithm interview questions. 1. Overview In this post, we will see how to find the second largest number in an array. This is a one of common interview questions on array data structure. 2. Introduction to Problem Statement Given […]