• 12 February

    How to move file to another directory in java

    In this post, we will see how to move file to another directory in java. We will use java.io.File ‘s rename(File dest) to do it. In below example, we will move config_new.properties from /Users/Arpit/Desktop/Folder1 to /Users/Arpit/Desktop/Folder2 . Java Program: [crayon-66ee5c573d4ab378400111/] When I ran above program, I got following output: [crayon-66ee5c573d4b2655270538/]

  • 12 February

    How to rename a file in java

    In this post, we will see how to rename a file in java. We can use java.io.File ‘s rename(File dest) method to rename a file. rename method returns true if operation is success else returns false. It can use this method to move a file also. You should always check if rename operation is successful […]

  • 06 February

    How to make a file read only in java

    In this post, we will see how to make a read only file in java. It is very simple. You need to just call java.io.File ‘s  setReadOnly() method. 1) How to make a file read only Java program: [crayon-66ee5c573d7c4832232175/] When you run above program, you will get following output: [crayon-66ee5c573d7c7509879127/] 2) How to make it […]

  • 04 February

    Read a file from resources folder in java

    In this post, we will see how to read a file from resources folder in java. If you create a maven project(simple java or dynamic web project) , you will see folder src/java/resources. You can read from resources folder using these simple code. [crayon-66ee5c573d87f455624469/] Project structure: Java Program: [crayon-66ee5c573d882184469355/] When you run above program, you […]

  • 03 February

    How to read properties file in java

    In this post , we will see how to read properties file in java. Properties files are used in java projects to externalise configuration, for example, database settings. Java uses Properties class to store the above key-values pair. Properties.load() method is very convenient to load properties file in form of key-values pairs. Properties file looks […]

  • 01 February

    How to read object from a file in java

    In this post, we will see how to read object from file in java. In last post, we have already seen how to write object to a file and created employee.ser , now in this post, we are going to read same file and retrieve back Employee object. Java Serialization Tutorial: Serialization in javaJava Serialization […]

  • 01 February

    How to write object to a file in java

    If you want to send object over network, then you need to  write object to a file and convert it to the stream. This process can be referred as serialization. Object needs to implement Serializable interface which is marker interface  interface and we will use java.io.ObjectOutputStream to write object to a file. Java Serialization Tutorial: […]

  • 01 February

    How to get last modified date of file in java

    In this post, we will see how to get last modified date of file in java. We can use java.io.File’s lastModified() method to get last modified date. This function returns time in milliseconds(long). We can convert this to required date format using SimpleDateFormat. Java Program: [crayon-66ee5c573dba2218944982/] When you run above program, you will get below output: […]

  • 30 January

    How to get all files with certain extension in a folder in java

    In this post, we will see how to list all files with certain extension in a folder. For example, you want to list all .jpg or .zip files in a folder. We will  use FilenameFilter interface to list the files in a folder, so we will create a inner class which will implement FilenameFilter interface and implement […]