• 17 May

    How to Initialize an Array with 0 in Java

    This article discusses the arrays and different ways to initialize an array with 0 in Java. Arrays The arrays are the fundamental data structures, they are sequences of elements stored in contiguous memory locations. The first step when using a data structure involves initializing the data structure which in our case is arrays. Array instantiation […]

  • How to initialize an array in Constructor in C++
    23 April

    How to Initialize an Array in Constructor in C++

    1. Introduction In C++ programming, initializing an array within a constructor is a common practice, especially in object-oriented design. Consider a class named DataContainer that encapsulates an integer array. Our goal is to ensure this array is initialized appropriately when an object of the class is created. This article aims to guide beginners through various […]

  • Set an array to another array in java
    23 April

    Set an Array Equal to Another Array in Java

    This article discusses methods to set an array equal to another array in Java. Arrays are the most basic data structures that store the data at contiguous memory locations. The operations on the array elements are performed using the indices. Setting an Array Variable Equal to Another Array Variable It might seem logical to set […]

  • SLF4J: Failed to Load Class org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder
    05 April

    SLF4J: Failed to Load Class org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder

    This article discusses the SLF4J library and the common error SLF4J: Failed to load class org.dlf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder that shows up while trying to use the library functionalities. SLF4J Library The SLF4J library is a simple abstraction library that delegates the logging calls to different logging libraries. SLF4J stands for Simple Logging Facade for Java and provides […]

  • Write String to file in C++
    31 March

    Write String to File in C++

    The files are used to store the data permanently on a disk. This mitigates the problem of loss of data when the program stops execution. On the other hand, strings are the most common data type to store the text data in C++. This article discusses methods to write string to file in C++. Using […]

  • Print Array in C++
    23 March

    Print Array in C++

    An array is a data structure that stores similar data items at contiguous memory locations under one variable name. The elements in an array can be accessed using indices. This article discusses the arrays and how to print array in C++. Introduction of Arrays For a small number of data items, you can use different […]

  • Print Vector C++
    23 March

    Print Vector in C++

    This article discusses the vector and how to print vector in C++. Vectors are similar to dynamic arrays in that they can resize themselves automatically when an element is added or removed. The container automatically handles the size of the vector. Elements in a vector are stored in contiguous memory locations. You can traverse these […]

  • 18 March

    Write Vector to File in C++

    This article discusses different methods to Write Vector to File in C++. Vectors in C++ are sequential containers similar to arrays. However, vectors need to have a fixed size. On the other hand, files facilitate the storage of data permanently to the disk, therefore, mitigating the data loss even after the program stops execution. Write […]

  • Print Map in C++
    15 March

    Print Map in C++

    Maps in C++ store the data in form of key and value pairs. Each value is identified by a key and no two keys are the same. Maps are widely used in problems that involve searching large data such as a database, cache applications, data compression, etc. This article discusses the two different types of […]