Author: Arpit Mandliya
- 28 October
Get random boolean in Python
What are Boolean Values? Python has a built-in data type Boolean that represents True and False values. It has only these two values. We can also consider True and False as 1 and 0, respectively. If we convert 0 or 1 to Boolean, then we get True or False only. This tutorial will demonstrate how […]
- 28 October
Loop through String in Python
In this article, we will see how to loop through String in Python. Iteration or looping means executing a set of statements till a given condition is met. In Python, we can loop over data structures to access their elements. A string is like an array of characters. We can loop through a string and […]
- 25 October
How to check if String contains substring in PHP
Introduction A string is a sequence of characters used as a literal constant or variable. The specific part of a string is known as a substring. In this article, we will see different ways to check if string contains substring in PHP. How to check if a string contains substring in PHP? 1) strpos() function: […]
- 25 October
Increment operator in python
The increment process is among the basic and the essentials of any programming language. We use it in problem-solving and when there is a need for counting the number of occurrences of any given instance. This tutorial discusses the Increment Operator in Python. Python’s distinct way of using the increment operator If you are familiar […]
- 19 October
How to print an array in PHP
Introduction An array is one kind of data structure, which can store multiple items of related data types. The printing of an array is one of the fundamental functions of PHP. How to print an array in PHP? You can print an array with the values in different ways using the var_dump() or print_r() or […]
- 18 October
Multiple classes in one file in Java
In this post, we will see how to have multiple classes in one file in java. Introduction You need to have any number of classes in a single Java file, but there is a restriction that you can declare only one Java class as public modifier with the main() method and declare (without public) for […]
- 18 October
Declare empty array in php
An array is a data structure where you can store the same or different types of data in a single variable. In PHP, you can declare empty array using square brackets ([]) or using array() function. Using square brackets to declare empty array in PHP The below syntax can declare empty array in PhP. We […]
- 17 October
Java AES 256 Encryption Decryption Example
Introduction Advanced encryption standard (AES) is the most secure encryption standard compared to RSA, which is vulnerable to brute force attacks. This is the main reason that AES was established by the National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) in 2001 and is used worldwide to date. In the previous post, we have seen how […]
- 16 October
Java AES Encryption Decryption Example
Introduction AES stands for advanced encryption standard and is the most commonly used symmetric algorithm to encrypt sensitive data and can be used in both software and hardware. The AES algorithm is symmetric, meaning that it uses only one key for encryption and decryption, and due to this reason, the key must be shared between […]