Author: Arpit Mandliya
- 23 August
Spring MVC + log4j example
In this post, we will see how to integrate Spring MVC with log4j. Spring MVC tutorial: Spring MVC hello world example Spring MVC Hibernate MySQL example Spring MVC interceptor example Spring MVC angularjs example Spring MVC @RequestMapping example Spring Component,Service, Repository and Controller example Spring MVC @ModelAttribute annotation example Spring MVC @RestController annotation example Spring […]
- 23 August
log4j properties file example
Logging is essential part of programming. It helps developer to track code workflow and fix bugs efficiently. If we get any issue in the code, we check logs for that workflow or functionality. Log4j is fast , reliable logging framework and can be easily integrated with the code. It is possible to enable logging at […]
- 22 August
How to check or uncheck checkbox input or radio button in jQuery
[crayon-67bd5aaf3cf82948601103/] Live Demo:Â jQuery check/uncheck a check box example on
- 22 August
How to refresh a page using jQuery
In this post, we will see how to refresh a page using jQuery. You can use location.reload() method of jQuery to reload the page. It is same as pressing f5 for refreshing a page. [crayon-67bd5aaf3d018731033706/] Let me know if it works for your browser or not.
- 22 August
jQuery after() and insertAfter() example
In this post, Â we are going to see jQuery after and insertAfter methods. Both do the same task, insert text or html after every selected elements but syntax is quite different. Syntax for after(): [crayon-67bd5aaf3d0d3148930462/] inserting using after [crayon-67bd5aaf3d0d6408533395/] Syntax for insertAfter() : [crayon-67bd5aaf3d0d7761908435/] inserting using insertAfter [crayon-67bd5aaf3d0d8916707256/] Let’s understand with the help of example: […]
- 22 August
jQuery toggleClass example
With jQuery toggleClass method, you can add or remove class depending on its presence. Â If class is present , it will be removed and if class is not present , it will be applied. [crayon-67bd5aaf3d739536237739/] classname:Required. It is classname for which you want to toggle class function(index,currentclass) : Â Optional .It is function that will be […]
- 21 August
Jquery hide show and toggle example
In this post, we will see jquery hide ,show and toggle example. jQuery hide() It is used to hide matched element. With jQuery, you can hide elements with hide method Example : [crayon-67bd5aaf3d84a313239470/] Syntax : [crayon-67bd5aaf3d84d215613609/] The optional speed parameter is used to specify the speed of the hiding, and can take the following values: […]
- 19 August
jQuery ajax getJson example
jQuery ajax getJson method is used to load json data from server using http get method. Lets go through syntax for getJson method. [crayon-67bd5aaf3d988444788391/] Url:It is url for get request on server data:Data which you want to send to server with request. Success :Callback function which get executed when request succeeds. Data which you send […]
- 19 August
Spring @RestController example
In this post, Â we are going to see another important annotation called @RestController. It is generally used while working with Spring restful Web services implementation. Spring MVC tutorial: Spring MVC hello world example Spring MVC Hibernate MySQL example Spring MVC interceptor example Spring MVC angularjs example Spring MVC @RequestMapping example Spring Component,Service, Repository and Controller […]