Author: Arpit Mandliya
- 13 September
Java 8 Stream filter examples
In this post, Â we are going to see about Java 8 Stream filter example. You can convert list or array to stream very easily and perform various operations on top of it.Java 8 Stream provides various methods such as map, Â filter, reduce etc. Let’s see more about Java 8 Stream filter method. Java 8 Stream […]
- 13 September
Spring MVC + Spring Data + Hibernate + MySQL example
In this post, we are going to see integration of Spring MVC,Spring Data,hibernate and mysql CRUD example. We have already seen Spring MVC, hibernate and mysql example in previous tutorial. Spring Data JPA provides CRUD API, so you don’t have to write boiler plate code. You just need to create repository interface and spring will provide […]
- 13 September
Spring Data JPA example
In this post, we are going to see about Spring data JPA. Spring data JPA provides jpaTemplate to integrate Spring and JPA. Why Spring data JPA: It is quite cumbersome to implement data access layer now a day. You need to write too much boiler plate code to even execute simple queries and you have […]
- 13 September
Spring Security : Customize 403 access denied page
In this post , we will see how to customize 403 access denied page. If user do not have access to page, then it will show default 403 page which will look like as below: You can customize 403 as below page: If you want to configure custom 403 access denied page, there are two […]
- 12 September
Spring init-method and destroy-method example
In this post, we will see about Spring init-method and destroy-method. When bean is instantiated or destroyed , there are some operations you may need to perform, so you can use init-method and destroy-method to call this methods while bean is being created or destroyed. Lets understand it with the help of simple example: For […]
- 12 September
spring security database authentication example
In previous post, we have already seen  how to use custom login page in Spring security. We have declared username and password in spring-security.xml but what if you want to read it from database. In most of the cases, we will read credentials from database. In this post, we will do authentication using database. We […]
- 10 September
Implement Stack using two Queues in java
If you want to practice data structure and algorithm programs, you can go through 100+ java coding interview questions. In this program, we will see how to implement stack using Linked List in java. Stack is abstract data type which demonstrates Last in first out (LIFO) behavior. We will implement same behavior using two queue. There […]
- 10 September
Implement stack using Linked List in java
If you want to practice data structure and algorithm programs, you can go through 100+ java coding interview questions. In this program, we will see how to implement stack using Linked List in java. The Stack is an abstract data type that demonstrates Last in first out (LIFO) behavior. We will implement the same behavior using […]
- 08 September
jQuery html() method example
In this post, Â we are going to see jQuery html method. html method is used to get html content of first matched elements, Â other elements will be ignored and html(‘new html content’) is used to set html content for all matched elements. Syntax for html() : [crayon-67bd9126379e4075948267/] Syntax for html(‘new html content’) : [crayon-67bd9126379e7426734721/] Let’s […]