- 07 February
Get Unicode Value of Character in Java
In this post, we will see how to get unicode value of character in java. Get Unicode Value of Character in Java You can simply use below code to get unicode value of character in java. [crayon-6767d3a4c3bff854439580/] Here is complete example to print unicode value of character in java: [crayon-6767d3a4c3c07873888221/] Output Unicode value of character […]
- 04 May
Convert Character to ASCII Numeric Value in Java
Learn about how to convert Character to ASCII Numeric Value in Java.
- 30 September
How to compare characters in Java
Learn about how to compare characters in java using different methods.
- 17 March
New line character in java
In this post, we will see about new line character in java and how to add new line character to a String in different operating systems. Operating systems have different characters to denote the end of the line. Linux and new mac: In Linux, the end line is denoted by \n, also known as line […]
- 09 October
Find Vowels in a String
In this post, we will see how to find and count vowels in a string. Find Vowels in a String If any character in String satisfy below condition then it is vowel and we will add it to Hashset. character==’a’ || character==’A’ || character==’e’ || character==’E’ || character==’i’ || character==’I’ || character==’o’ || character==’O’ || […]
- 06 October
Java remove last character from string
Learn about how to remove last character from String in java using different ways.
- 06 October
Convert char to lowercase java
You can use Character class’s toLowerCase method to convert char to lowercase in java. Method signature [crayon-6767d3a4c43fd486405911/] Parameters ch is primitive character type. Return type return type is char. If char is already lowercase then it will return same. [crayon-6767d3a4c4401170905131/] When you run above program, you will get below output: a y b z That’s […]
- 06 October
Convert char to uppercase java
You can use Charater class’s touppercase method to convert char to uppercase in java. Method signature [crayon-6767d3a4c44a7362475757/] Parameters ch is primitive character type. Return type return type is char. If char is already uppercase then it will return same. [crayon-6767d3a4c44a9862310857/] When you run above program, you will get below output: A Y F U That’s […]
- 06 October
Java isLetter method
Character class’s isletter method can be used to check if character is letter or not. Method signature [crayon-6767d3a4c4537562413522/] Parameters ch is primitive character type. Return type boolean is primitive character type. [crayon-6767d3a4c453a324694878/] When you run above program, you will get below output: true true false false That’s all about java Character’s isletter method.