- 15 May
Get and set Fields using reflection in java
In this post, we will see how to get and set fields using reflection in java. java.lang.reflect.Field can be used to get/set fields(member variables) at runtime using reflection. Get all fields of the class All fields of the class can be obtained from the Class object. Here is an example. [crayon-679096d9e62fc882592654/] Field[] will have all […]
- 15 May
Access private fields and methods using reflection in java
In this post, we will see how to access private fields and methods using reflection in java. Can you access private fields and methods using reflection? Yes, you can. It is very easy as well. You just need to call .setAccessible(true) on field or method object which you want to access. Access private field Class.getDeclaredField(String […]
- 15 May
Invoke constructor using Reflection in java
In this post, we will see how to invoke constructor using reflection in java. You can retrieve the constructors of the classes and instantiate object at run time using reflection. java.lang.reflect.Constructor is used to instantiate the objects. Instantiate Constructor with no parameters In case, you want to create object using no args constructor at runtime, […]
- 24 October
Invoke Getters And Setters Using Reflection in java
In this post, we will see how to call getters and setters using reflection in java. We have already seen how to invoke method using reflection in java. There are two ways to invoke getter and setter using reflection in java. Using PropertyDescriptor You can use PropertyDescriptor to call getters and setters using reflection. Getter: […]
- 23 September
How to invoke method using reflection in java
In this post, we will see how to invoke the method using reflection in java. Let’s understand this with the help of the example. Create a class named We will invoke this class’s method using reflection. [crayon-679096d9e69bc983853409/] Create a main method named [crayon-679096d9e69bf043303463/] When you run above program, you will get below output: […]
- 23 September
Java Reflection tutorial
Introduction Reflection, as we know from the common term, is an image of yourself or something else you see in a mirror or a mirrored surface. Java, being an object-oriented language draws heavily from real-life examples and so is the Reflection API of Java inspired from real life. In Java, the process of analyzing, viewing […]