- 15 February
Difference between notify and notifyAll in java
In this post, we are going to see difference between notify and notifyall in java. notify(): When you call notify method on the object, it wakes one of thread waiting for that object. So if multiple threads are waiting for an object, it will wake of one of them. Now you must be wondering which […]
- 15 February
Difference between process and thread in java
In this tutorial, we are going to see differences between process and thread in java. If you are working on multithreading in java, it is good to know differences between process and thread. How multithreading can improve performance by executing code in parallel. Process vs Thread: The process can be referred as program in execution […]
- 09 January
Java ExecutorService example using Callable and Future
Callable interface represents a thread that can return a value. It is very much similar to Runnable interface except that it can return a value. Callable interface can be used to compute status or results that can be returned to invoking thread. For example: Let’s say you want to perform factorial and square of some […]
- 06 January
Object level locking vs Class level locking in java
Synchronization is ability to restrict access to shared resource to only one thread. When two or more threads need access to shared resource, there has to be some mechanism such that shared resource will be used by only one thread. The process by which we can achieve it is called Synchronization. Why do you need […]
- 06 January
Java Exchanger example
Exchanger class is introduced with java 1.5 with other classes such ConcurrentHashMap, CountDownLatch, Semaphores. Exchanger class is used to exchange object between two threads. Exchanger simply waits until two separate threads calls exchange method, when it happens, it exchanges data supplied by threads.Two threads can pair and swap objects between them. Exchanger class may be useful […]
- 05 January
Java newCachedThreadPool Example
1. Introduction Java’s Executors.newCachedThreadPool() factory method provides a thread pool that creates new threads as needed, but will reuse previously constructed threads when they are available. Our goal is to understand how to use this thread pool to execute asynchronous tasks efficiently. 2. What is newCachedThreadPool? The newCachedThreadPool method from the java.util.concurrent.Executors class is a […]
- 27 December
Java ThreadPoolExecutor
Java 5 has introduced new concurrent API called Executor frameworks to make programmer life easy. It simplifies design and development of multi-thread applications. It consists of mainly Executor, ExecutorService interface and ThreadPoolExecutor class which implements both interfaces i.e. Executor and ExecutorService. ThreadPoolExecutor class provide the implementation of thread pool. We will understand more about it […]
- 23 December
Java Semaphore example
In this tutorial, we are going to see about Semaphore in java. Semaphore is a class in java.util.concurrent package introduced in JDK 5. Semaphore basically maintains a set of permits, so there are two methods which are mainly used for semaphore. acquire release acquire() method is used to get a permit and if no. of […]
- 11 July
Difference between CountDownLatch and CyclicBarrier in java
In this post, we will see difference between CountDownLatch and CyclicBarrier in java. Lets first see similarities among them. Both wait for specific number of threads or tasks to finish. Lets see differences between CountDownLatch and CyclicBarrier. CountDownLatch vs CyclicBarrier Parameter CountDownLatch CyclicBarrier Reuse It can not be reused once count reaches 0 It can […]