Java File IO
- 30 January
How to delete non empty directory in java
In this post, we will see how to delete Directory/Folder which is non empty. You can use ‘s delete empy folder but you can not delete it if it is non empty. There are multiple ways to do it. Using java recursion Using Apache common IO Using java recursion: It is very straight forward to […]
- 30 January
How to download file from URL in java
In this post, we will see how to download file from URL in java. It can be used when you want to automatically download any file from URL using java. There are many ways to do it and some of them are : Using Java input output stream Using apache common IO Using NIO Java […]
- 30 January
How to check if a file exists in Java
It is very easy to check if file exists or not in your file system. You can use’s exists() method to check if file exists or not. Java program : [crayon-67680a6c231ae426123224/] When you run above program, you will get following output: [crayon-67680a6c231b2634771048/]
- 29 January
How to get size of file in java
In this post, we will see how to get size of file in java. We can directly use ‘s length method to get its size in bytes. We can convert it to KB and MB accordingly. [crayon-67680a6c2327b759942187/] When you run above program, you will get following output: [crayon-67680a6c2327e962966931/]
- 29 January
Java get file extension
In this post, we will see how to get extension of file in java. As does not provide any direct method for getting extension of file. This is used when you want to process file differently on the basis of its extension. I have worked on a project where I required this utility method. […]