Author: Arpit Mandliya
- 16 October
Find command in linux
In this post, we will see about find command in linux. Find is an important and one of most widely used command in Unix and Linux operating systems. It is used to search and locate list of files and directories based on conditions you specify for files that match the arguments. Find command lets you […]
- 16 October
Custom BlockingQueue implementation in java
In this post, we will see how to create your own custom BlockingQueue. This is one of the most asked java interview questions. You need to implement your own BlockingQueue. This question helps interviewer to get your understanding of multithreading concepts. Here is simple implementation of BlockingQueue. We will use array to store elements in […]
- 15 October
Grep command in unix
In this post, we will see about grep command in unix. The grep command stands for "Global Regular Expression Print" and is used to search text or searches the given file for lines containing a match to the given strings or words. It is a powerful file pattern searcher in Linux and Unix-like operating systems. […]
- 10 October
Publish your article on
We are looking for java content writers for If you want to publish any article on following topics, please contact us on [email protected] Here are the topics on which you can share your articles. Java Python Algorithms and data structures Spring/Spring MVC/Spring boot Android Web services Linux And the best part is every post […]
- 09 October
Find first repeating element in an array of integers
If you want to practice data structure and algorithm programs, you can go through 100+ data structure and algorithm programs. In this post, we will see how to find the first repeating element in array of integers. Problem Find the first repeating element in array of integers. For example: Input: array[] = {10, 7, 8, […]
- 05 October
Java FileReader Example
The FileReader class of package provides a seamless and easy-to-use way to read and analyse the contents of a file using Java. The FileReader class, works similar to the FileInputStream class because it reads the file data as a stream. However, unlike the latter which reads files as a stream of bytes, FileReader reads […]
- 30 September
Longest common substring
If you want to practice data structure and algorithm programs, you can go through 100+ data structure and algorithm programs. In this post, we will see how to find the longest common substring in java. Program Given two String, find longest common substring. For example: String 1: Java2blog String 2: CoreJavaTutorial Longest common subString is: […]
- 27 September
Print maximum occurring character in a String
In this post, we will see how to print the maximum occurring character in a String. Problem Print maximum occurring character in a String For example: String 1: java2blog tutorial Character: a has occurred maximum times in String: 3 ———————- String 2: This is test message Character: s has occurred maximum times in String: 5 […]
- 26 September
What is awk print $1?
1. Introduction awk is interpreted programming language. It is very powerful and used for text processing. Awk stands for the names of its authors “Aho, Weinberger, and Kernighan”. One of its fundamental features is the ability to easily extract specific columns from a text input. The command awk print $1 is used for this purpose. […]