• 08 January

    Kubernetes Client Libraries

    Learn about Kubernetes client libraries in this article by Onur Yılmaz, a software engineer and a Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) who works on Kubernetes and cloud management systems. Kubernetes is an open source project that was released by Google in June, 2014. Google released the project as part of an effort to share their own […]

  • 27 November

    Freestyle Projects in Jenkins

    Freestyle means improvised or unrestricted. A freestyle project in Jenkins is a project that spans multiple operations. It can be a build, a script run, or even a pipeline. According to the official Jenkins wiki, a freestyle project is a typical build job or task. This could be as simple as running tests, building or […]

  • 01 November

    Find the local minima in array

    If you want to practice data structure and algorithm programs, you can go through Java coding interview questions. In this post, we will see how to find the local minima in the array. Problem An element is local minima if it is less than its neighbors. int [] arr = {10, 5, 3, 6, 13, 16, […]

  • 24 October

    Invoke Getters And Setters Using Reflection in java

    In this post, we will see how to call getters and setters using reflection in java. We have already seen how to invoke method using reflection in java. There are two ways to invoke getter and setter using reflection in java. Using PropertyDescriptor You can use PropertyDescriptor to call getters and setters using reflection. Getter: […]

  • 24 October

    Java add to array

    In this post, we will see how to add elements to the array. Using Apache’s common lang library You can use varargs add method to add elements to array dynamically. Here are the few add overloaded methods provided by ArrayUtils class If you want to add more than one element, you can use ArrayUtils’s addAll […]

  • wait(),notify() and notifyAll() in java
    22 October

    Why wait(), notify() And notifyAll() methods are in Object Class

    In this post, we will see why wait(), notify() And notifyAll() methods are in Object Class And Not in Thread Class. This is one of the most asked java multithreading interview questions. You might know that wait(), notify() And notifyAll() Methods are in Object class and do you know the reason for the same? Let’s […]

  • 21 October

    How to Sort HashSet in Java

    In this post, we will see how to sort HashSet in java. HashSet is a collection which does not store elements in any order. You might come across a situation where you need to sort HashSet. There can be many ways to sort HashSet, we will see two methods here. Using TreeSet You can use […]

  • 21 October

    Difference between equals() and == in java

    In this post, we will see about the difference between equals and == in java. This is most asked java interview question for fresher or 2-year experienced java developer and it might be confusing sometimes. Let’s try to understand each quickly. Equality operator “==” Equality operator can be used to compare primitives but when you […]

  • 20 October

    Java Array to Set

    In this post, we will learn java array to set conversion. There are many ways to convert array to set. 1. Using Java 8’s Stream If you are using Java 8, I would recommend using Java 8 Stream. [crayon-67882e94e6aec503535823/] Output [John, Martin, Mary] 2. Using HashSet constructor() We can directly call HashSet‘s constructor for java […]