Author: Arpit Mandliya
- 19 October
Matrix Multiplication in C
In this post, we will see how to do matrix multiplication in C. If we want to multiply two matrices, then number of columns in first matrix must be equal to number of rows in second matrix. If this condition is not satisfied, below program will give you an error message. Here is simple demonstration […]
- 19 October
Breadth first search in C++
Breath First Search is a graph traversal technique used in graph data structure. It goes through level-wise. Graph is tree like data structure. To avoid the visited nodes during the traversing of a graph, we use BFS. In this algorithm, lets say we start with node x, then we will visit neighbours of x, then […]
- 19 October
Infix to postfix conversion in C
In this guide, we will see about Infix to postfix conversion in C. In the computer, all the arithmetic expressions first convert to their postfix from infix. After the conversion, the evaluation will start. Algorithm First, we have to fix the precedence of the expression. To convert the infix expression to its postfix expression, we […]
- 10 October
Convert String to List python
In this post, we will see how to convert String to list in Python. We can use String’s split function to convert String to list. String’s split function Python String split function signature [crayon-67c261362ed58598524885/] Parameters sep: A string parameter that will be used as a separator. maxsplit: Number of times split Let’s see some examples. […]
- 10 October
Java program to print table of number
In this post we will see how to print table of number in java. It is good program to practice for loop in java. [crayon-67c261362ee80362188357/] Output: Enter a Number : 8 Table of 8 is 8 * 1 = 8 8 * 2 = 16 8 * 3 = 24 8 * 4 = 32 […]
- 09 October
Java program to calculate grade of students
In this post, we will see how to calculate grade of students in java. Student’s grade is decided by average of marks.It is good program to practice execution of if statements in java. Here is simple program to calculate grade of students [crayon-67c261362ef17027064358/] Output: Enter Marks for 5 Subjects : 50 60 70 80 90 […]
- 09 October
Find Vowels in a String
In this post, we will see how to find and count vowels in a string. Find Vowels in a String If any character in String satisfy below condition then it is vowel and we will add it to Hashset. character==’a’ || character==’A’ || character==’e’ || character==’E’ || character==’i’ || character==’I’ || character==’o’ || character==’O’ || […]
- 09 October
[Fixed] Reached end of file while parsing
In this post, we will see how to solve reached end of file while parsing in java. We generally get this error when we forgot to end code of block(class/method) with }. Let’s understand this with the help of example. [crayon-67c261362f0f3952429152/] When you compile above java file, you will get below error. java:8: reached end […]
- 08 October
[Solved] lvalue required as left operand of assignment
In this post, we will see how to solve lvalue required as left operand of assignment in C or C++. Let’s first understand first about the error. When you are using assignment operator(=) in a statement, then LHS of assignment operator must be something called lvalue, Otherwise you will get this error. If LHS does […]