• 08 December

    Format Number to 2 Decimal Places in PHP

    Using the round() function To format a number to 2 decimal places in PHP, you can use the round() function and pass the number and 2 as arguments to the round() function. Here is an example of how to use the round() function to format a number to 2 decimal places: [crayon-67bcd1d3b30bb215409997/] Output [crayon-67bcd1d3b30c5104979613/] round() […]

  • 08 December

    Check if Array is Empty in PHP

    Use empty() function To check if an array is empty in PHP, you can use the empty() function. This function accepts an array as its argument, and it returns true if the array is empty and false if the array is not empty. Here is an example of how to use the empty() function to […]

  • 08 December

    Add Property to Object in PowerShell

    Using Add-Member cmdlet The Add-Member cmdlet allows you to add members (properties and methods) to an object in PowerShell. To add property to a PowerShell object: Pipe an object to the Add-Member cmdlet followed by the property to add [crayon-67bcd1d3b36e5857125626/] In the first command, Get-Item C:\test gets the DirectoryInfo object which is saved in a […]

  • 08 December

    Find Character in String in Python

    Using find() Method To find the character in a string in Python: Use the find() method to find the index of the first occurrence of the supplied character in the input String. Use an if statement to check if the returned index is not -1; if so, print that index; otherwise, print an error. [crayon-67bcd1d3b37e2480390614/] […]

  • 07 December

    Get List of Months Between Two Dates in Python

    Use pandas.period_range() Method To get the list of months between two specified dates in Python: Use pandas’s period_range() to get list of months between start date and end date with freq='M'. Use list comprehension to iterate over list of months. For each month, use strftime() method to convert it in appropriate format. [crayon-67bcd1d3b39d0911383004/] The execution […]

  • 06 December

    Run Batch File from PowerShell

    In Windows PowerShell, we can run batch files in multiple ways. Running the batch file by specifying the absolute or relative path using the ampersand (&) operator: [crayon-67bcd1d3b3afb833781649/] Running the batch file by using the Invoke-Expression cmdlet. This command works similarly with the ampersand operator (&), but we write it in PowerShell flavor. [crayon-67bcd1d3b3afe433055089/] Running […]

  • 05 December

    Remove Substring from String in Python

    Use replace() Method To eliminate a substring from string in Python: Define and initiate my_string. Declare substring to remove it from my_string. Use replace() method to remove substring from string. e.g. my_string = my_string.replace(substring, "") [crayon-67bcd1d3b3d4b512799026/] The code above will print the following output on the console: [crayon-67bcd1d3b3d4e162874636/] We tried removing the substring from my_string. […]

  • 05 December

    Replace Space with Underscore in PHP

    Using str_replace() Method Use the str_replace() function to replace with underscore in PHP, for example: str_replace(" " , "_", $str). str_replaces() returns new String with old character space( ) replaced by underscore(_) [crayon-67bcd1d3b3eaa641700542/] [crayon-67bcd1d3b3ead849995255/] We used str_replace() to replace space with underscore in PHP. str_replace() replaces all instances of search string with replacement String. It […]

  • 04 December

    Get Driver Versions in PowerShell

    Using win32_PnpSignedDriver class of the WMI object To get driver versions in PowerShell, use win32_PnpSignedDriver class of the WMI object. [crayon-67bcd1d3b3f73832019960/] After running the command, your PowerShell should give you an output something like this: Note how the columns are arranged as Device Name, Device Version, and Description. If you are to write the command […]